Dusk till Dawn

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Matt's POV:
There she is. Dawn. More beautiful than a sunrise. I can't help but look at her. She's just so beautiful...

"Matt?" I hear someone say, snapping me out of my daydream. I turn around to see Lily. "You're blocking my locker." She says sensitively.

"Oh, sorry." I say shuffling over.

Lily opens her locker and swaps books while I keep watching Dawn, who is also swapping books a few feet away. Lily looks over. "What are you doing here, anyway?"

"W-what do you mean? I come here all the time." I reply, trying to act casual.

"Well, for a start your locker is nowhere around here," -touché- "and we're surrounded by science labs."

"Okay, you were right about the locker thing." I admit. "But I am offended by the other comment. I love science!"

Lily gives me a sheepish look. "Matthew Michaelangelo Hamato you have never stepped foot into a science lab before in your life!" I go to open my mouth to protest. "And Uncle Donnie's lab doesn't count."

I roll my eyes. "Okay, you've got me." I look back over at Dawn. "But can you blame me? She's just so..."

"Out of your league?" Lily finishes. I shoot her an icy glare.

"She's not THAT far out of my league." I reply. "...is she?"

Lily rolls her eyes. "Well, Romeo, if you want her so badly, go and talk to her!"

Now it's my turn to give her a sheepish look. "I can't just go up to a chick and start talking to her! That's just not how I roll, dawg."

Lily rolls her eyes and starts to walk off. "Deal with it yourself."

"Girls." I scoff. I turn around to keep watching Dawn, when I see she's moved from her locker. She's now standing in front of the notice pin board with a girl with red hair and black ombré. Wait a minute...


I rub my eyes. Nope. Not seeing things. Skye, my cousin - pretty much sister -, is friends with Dawn, the incredibly hot girl I am head over heels for? How did she not tell me this?!

Keeping my cool, I slide over towards the pin board, picking up little bits of the conversation.

"Are you gonna sign up for any clubs?" Skye asks.

"Hmm, I'm not sure." Dawn replies.

"Art club looks like fun!" Skye says, pointing to a piece of paper on the board.

"Hey, there's a Science club!" Dawn says, pointing to another piece of paper. "I might sign up for that."

"You're into science?" Skye asks.

"I love it!" Dawn gushes. "It's just so interesting! If I wasn't going to be a pro skater, I'd be a scientist..." She rummages through her bag for a pen. "If only I could find a..."

"Here you go." I say, interrupting. I hold out a pen in front of her.

She looks at me and then the pen. "...thanks." She says.

Skye turns around. "Oh, hey Matt." She says. "What're you doing in this part of the school?"

Crap. What do I say? My locker isn't around here and I'm allergic to science!

"Oh, you know..." I reply casually. "Just looking for clubs to sign up to..." I scan the pin board for something I can use as an excuse.

"Oh you're looking for clubs too?" Dawn asks in her perfect Californian accent.

"Yeah, I'm just the clubbing type!" I reply, adding in a nervous laugh. I suddenly spy my saviour. "Oh hey, there's a science club! That looks like fun."

"You hate science." Skye adds blankly. "It's your worst subject."

I look at Dawn who looks really confused. "Uh, no... I've been reading a lot about it lately--"

"You read?" She asks again.

"Yes, yes I do." I say through clenched teeth, trying to signal to Skye what I'm trying to do. She gets the message.

"Oh, yeah, yeah. I forgot." She replies, smiling at Dawn. "He's such a bookworm."

Dawn nods. "So, you're gonna sign up for Science club?"

I quickly jot my name down on the dotted line. "I just did."

Before she can answer, the bell rings. "I'd better get to class." She says. "I'll see you at lunch, Skye." She turns to me. "I'll see you at science club, Max."

"...it's Matt, actually..." I whimper. But she's already out of earshot.

Skye turns to me. "Have fun trying to pull this one off."

"I can be a geek if I want to!" I protest. "If Jordan can do it, so can I."

She chuckles. "Jordan is actually smart." She starts to walk off.

Suddenly it hits me. "That was an insult, wasn't it!" I reply.

But she's right. What have I gotten myself into?

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