First Word - Leonardo

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You're sitting in the living room, playing with Lily. Leo's watching Space Heroes while Raph sits on an armchair behind him reading a magazine. Mikey and M/W are feeding Matt and Donnie and D/W are in the lab with Jordan (a bit dangerous, but pick and choose as you like).

You're teaching Lily how to clap her hands. You clap your hands once, and she copies. "Good girl!" You say. Lily makes goo-ing noises and giggles. Then she starts mumbling sounds, and pointing to Leo.

"D-d..." She says. You hold your breath. "D-da... Dada..." She says.

You gasp. "Lily just said her first word!" You violently tap Leo on the shoulder. "She just said her first word!"

Leo turns around. "What?" He says.

"Dada!" Lily giggles, pointing to Leo.

Leo smiles and gently holds his daughter. "Yes, dada." He says.

You swear you can see tears in his eyes. Happy tears, not sad tears.

"You okay there, Leo?" Raph asks teasingly. "You're looking a little misty eyed."

"I-I'm fine." Leo stutters.

You just giggle and kiss him on the cheek. "Don't flood the lair, dada."

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