The BIG announcement

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April takes a deep breath as she paces around the room. Casey is by her side, smiling from ear to ear - a rare thing for him.

"Something on your mind, April?" Leo asks.

"You called us all here, what's the problem?" Raph adds.

"I have some news." April says, holding both hands behind her back. Everyone holds their breath, as she walks to Casey. "Casey Jones and I..." There's a long pause. "...are getting married!" She thrusts her left hand out in front of her, revealing a beautiful diamond ring.

Everyone's mouths drop open. "Well, someone say something!" Casey says.

"When? Where?" D/W babbles.

"God, look at that rock!" R/W says, starring at the ring. "I'm surprised it's not dragging your whole arm down!"

April smiles and blushes. "You're all invited to the wedding!" She says. Everyone cheers. "And... I have another surprise..." Everyone holds their breath again, as April slowly lifts up her shirt. "I'm pregnant!" She reveals a massive swollen stomach.

"OH MY GOD!" All the girls squeal. "CONGRATULATIONS!"

"Good job, Jones." Raph says, patting Casey on the back. Casey smiles.

Splinter stands in the corner, beaming.

"This has to be one of the happiest days of my life." April says, tears in her eyes.

Everyone spent the rest of the day celebrating April and Casey's double big news.

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