He's always watching... Part 2

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Jordan's POV:
We've all been assembled into our classes. Thankfully Matt, Taya, Lily and Skye are all in my class too. We're all sitting on the floor, as the teacher calls out the roll. Our teachers name is Mister Carre. He's very tall with grey hair and a beard. He kind of reminds me of Santa Claus.

He starts calling out the roll. We're not too far down when he gets to us. He starts with me. "Jordan Hamato?"

"Here." I reply cheerfully.

"Lily Hamato?"

"Here." Lily replies, slightly shyly.

"Matthew Hamato?"

"Here dude." Matt replies. Lily chuckles at his attitude. "And you can call me Matt."

Mr Carre doesn't look to happy. "Just say 'here' next time, please Matt." He continues on with the roll. "Skye Hamato?"

"Here." Skye replies.

"Taya Hamato?"

"Here!" Taya replies. Mr Carre scans over the roll again.

"Are you all siblings?" He asks in disbelief.

"We are." Skye replies, placing an arm around Taya. "We're twins!"

"I can see that." He says bluntly. "But you're all related somehow, yes?"

"Cousins." I add.

Mr Carre nods and continues on down the role. He suddenly gets to a very familiar name. "Akiko Saki?"


For some reason, that name sounds familiar. I hear a high pitched squeak come from behind me. "Here." She says. Suddenly it hits me. Akiko is the girl I met at the park that day! The one I showed my shell to! Oh no... This can't be happening! What if she tells everyone of my shell?! I try not to turn around, and hope she doesn't notice me.

"Blade Saki?"


Blade? Does Akiko have a brother? Forgetting my mental note just seconds earlier, I turn around to see a boy with silver looking irridescent hair and gold eyes ...and he's sitting right next to Akiko. I quickly turn back around, hoping Akiko hasn't seen me.

When the roll is finished, Mr Carre let's us have free play. Lily, Skye and Taya all walk off to do some drawing, while Matt and I play with some building blocks. We're in the middle of constructing a huge tower when someone taps me on the shoulder.

I turn around to see none other than Akiko. Seeing her startles me, and I accidentally knock into the tower. "Dude!" Matt hisses angrily.

"Remember me?" Akiko asks. In this light I can see her a lot better now, and her eyes aren't so much dark as a goldish colour, like Blade's. I'm too startled to speak. "I'm Akiko. We met at the park that day."

"I-I remember..." I manage to say nervously.

"Jordan, right?" She says. I nod. "You were the one with the sh--" I cover her mouth to stop anyone else from hearing. She smacks it away. "What was that for?!"

"No one is supposed to know, remember?"

She nods and then looks behind me. "Who's your friend?"

"Cousin." I correct. "Matt, meet Akiko. Akiko, this is Matt."

"'Sup dudette?" Matt replies. Akiko looks at him a little disgusted.

"Hi." She rpelies. Matt just shrugs it off and goes back to what he was doing.

"Akiko! Over here!" Someone shouts from across the room. Akiko and I turn around to see Blade waving at her.

"Um, I have to go Jordan." She says, starting to back away. "But, we'll talk soon?"

"Yeah." I reply nervously as she runs off.

"Dude, what happened?" Matt asks.

"What do you mean?" I reply.

"You were fine until she came over here. Is there something going on that I don't know about?"

I laugh. "No, I just met her at the park one day."

"Oh." Matt says. "Come on, I want to make this tower bigger than the Empire State!"

I crouch down and help Matt with the tower. For some reason, the name Saki rings through my mind. I swear I've heard Grandpa Splinter mention it a few times... but I just can't seem to remember why. There's something about Akiko though... I don't know what it is but there's just something about her. Something intriguing... something interesting... something unkown.

Akiko's POV:
I return home with my mom and my brother. "Who was the kid you were talking to today?" Blade asks.

"Kid? What kid?" Mom echoes. "Was it a boy?"

I roll my eyes. "Just someone I met at the park once, mom."

She nods. "What's his name?"

"Jordan." I reply.

"Jordan what?"

"Jordan Hamato." Mum suddenly stops in her tracks.

"Hamato?" She echoes.

I look at her, worried. "Yes..."

"What is it mom?" Blade asks, also worried.

"Your grandfather knew someone called Hamato." She says with a blank face. "And he was the one responsible for killing my mother..."

"What was his name?" I ask.

"Hamato Yoshi."

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