First word - Raphael

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Raph is in the dojo training with you, Taya and Skye sitting on the floor. Taya and Skye are playing together; they're doing some sort of baby wrestling. They're not actually fighting, but more or less crawling towards each other and putting their hands on each other's faces and shoulders. You just sit and watch them carefully.

Raph grunts and kicks the dummy really hard, knocking it to the ground. The twins stop what they're doing and look at Raph. He dusts himself off and wipes some sweat off his brow.

"Good job, ninja warlord." You say jokingly as he sits next to you. He just smiles, and looks at the twins who are sitting right in front of you.

Skye looks at Taya for a brief moment and then babbles something no one can understand. Taya then looks at Skye and points to you. "Mm..." She says. Your eyes widen. "Mm... Mo.... Mom-mom." She finally says. You gasp and a smile spreads across your face.

"She just... She just..." Is the only words you manage to squeak out.

"Da... Da... Da da..." Skye starts to say. "Dada!" She squeaks.

Raph smiles broadly and gently cradles her in his arms. "Their very first words!" He says.

You smile uncontrollably. "I'm so proud." You say.

"Mom-mom." Taya says, crawling towards you.

"Dada." Skye says, reaching for Raph's face.

"Yes, Mom-Mom and Dada." Raph replies.

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