Beneath the surface...

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Taya's POV:
I walk through the schoolyard with my head down. Logan and his band of thugs have been giving me a rough time lately and I don't want to arouse any more trouble than I have to.

I'm trying to prove to Skye that I can fend for myself as well, and that she doesn't need to keep showing up to save me. I'm 13 now, my dad's a ninja and I can look after myself!

"Haya Tomato!"

A shiver goes down my spine. I hate that name. I know immediately who's voice it is - Shane. I keep my head down and keep walking like I didn't hear anything.

"Haya Tomato!" I hear someone else call. This time it's Jeremy. I'm surprised I haven't heard Logan's voice yet.

Suddenly the footsteps become louder, and I know they're running towards me. I stop in my tracks and make two clenched fists. I turn around, ready to stand up to them once and for all.

"Haya Tomato!" Elton calls.

"Could you STOP calling me that?!" I shout, making them jump a little.

"Someone's a hot head." Jeremy taunts.

I suddenly notice that there's four of them instead of five. Alvin, Shane, Elton, Jeremy... Where's Logan?

"Don't you have a wall to graffiti or something?" I reply. "And where's your bone-headed leader?"

Shane rests a hand on his heart, miming pain. "Ooh, that hurt, Haya Tomato."

"Logan's away on business." Jeremy adds.

"What? He has better things to do then hang out with you morons?" I chuckle.

"Hey, you better watch it, Tomato." Alvin threatens, cracking his knuckles.

"Yeah, you don't want to get us angry." Shane adds.

Putting on a brave face, I brush them off. "Puhlease! What's the worst you guys could do to me?"

"Why don't we find out...?" Jeremy replies, walking closer, cracking his knuckles, a grimacing look on his face.

Although I'm shaking inside, I stand my ground. Skye isn't around to save me, and this is my chance. I take a deep breath. "Go ahead. Then see how you like Juvi."

"Watch it!" Alvin says, pointing a grubby finger at me. Jeremy gets closer and closer, and I see him draw his arm back. I brace myself for the impact.

"Hey!" I hear someone behind me shout. I open one eye to see Jeremy's fist inches away from my face. "Leave her alone!"

I'm expecting to see Skye, because I can see the colour being fearfully drained from the guys' faces. I poke my head out from behind Jeremy, to see the last person I expected.


But, there he stood. No matter how many times I blink, rub my eyes or shake my head, he didn't disappear. Of all people, why did he showing up?

"What are you doing, Logan?" Alvin says. "We're about to finish this chick off."

"This chick," Logan says, pointing to me. "Has a name, and she doesn't need to be tormented by you guys."

"B-but..." Shane whimpers.

"Get out of here." Logan orders, breathing heavily.

The guys shrug and suddenly leave me alone. Logan wanders towards me, who is standing there in complete and utter confusion and shock. "Thanks..." I say.

"No problem. Are you alright?" He asks.

Is Logan being nice to me? Is he actually going out of his way to be kind? What is this, Dimension X?

"Yeah, yeah." I reply. "I'm fine."

"Jerks." Logan mutters under his breath. "Picking on girls." I giggle. "If they give you anymore trouble, just call." He hands me a small slip of paper with several numbers on it. "See you around, Red." It takes me a moment before I realise the numbers on the slip is his phone number.

I'm left in total awe. Logan - scary, intimidating, heartless Logan - just saved me from his gang of thugs. And then he gives me his number?

I walk towards class, still a bit shaky from what happened. I'm so confused. All this time I thought Logan was nothing but a bully. But maybe, just maybe, I was wrong. Maybe he's really a nice guy who's just misunderstood? Maybe he's not who he first seems?

Maybe there's more to him than what's on the surface?

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