When the past comes back to haunt them - Part 1 (Donatello and Michaelangelo)

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I'm almost out of breath racing around New York following the coordinates on my tracker. I invented four of them, one for each of my brothers as well as myself, to help track Villain activity. They've been going crazy lately, and so Leo decided that to make it easier we would split up. I'm currently on the scent of Tiger Claw, and he seems to be headed for an abandoned warehouse.

When I reach my destination, I silently make my way to the glass roof to get a look at what's going on. As I peer in, Tiger Claw is sauntering around inside. Although the conversation is muffled, I can make out a few words.

"You told me they would be here tonight!" Tiger Claw growls. "You best not keep the Shredder waiting. He isn't a patient man."

Suddenly, the purple dragons emerge from the shadows. "Rest assured, Tiger Claw," Hun says. "Your cargo will arrive soon enough."

Tiger Claw grits his teeth and growls. "It better, otherwise Shredder will have your heads on spikes." At this point, I'd heard enough. I burst through the ceiling, landing on the floor, Bo Staff at the ready. Everyone jumps back. "Turtle!" Tiger Claw gasps.

"Get him!" Hun shouts. I spin my staff above my head to fend off Tiger Claw and the Purple Dragons. I first work on the Purple Dragons, slowly knocking them off like flies. Right up until Tiger Claw intervened.

He knocks my staff out of my hands, and pins me to the ground. I can barely breathe. He chuckles maniacally. "Time to crush your shell, little Turtle." His gun inches closer and closer to my head, and I can hear it powering up. I brace myself for the impact.

"Get off of him you tail-less cat!" I hear someone shout. It sounds familiar.

Next thing I know, Tiger Claw is thrown off of me and slides across the floor. He gets up and growls, and I turn my head to see my rescuer. None other than the red-headed, mutagen immune, part mutant, wife to Casey Jones: April O'Neill.

"April?" I say, shocked and surprised. "What are you doing he--"

"Donnie, get down!" She shouts as she throws her fan, knocking down all three Purple Dragons. I'm impressed. She offers me a hand up. "Let's put this overgrown kitten to bed; once and for all."

Together, we take on Tiger Claw, working as a team. After a few blows we render him unconscious, as he collapses to the ground. Panting hard, I high five April. "Thank god you're here." I say. "How did you find me?"

April shrugs. "Lucky guess, I suppose."

I chuckle and sigh. "Well, thanks. If it wasn't for you, I'd probably be turtle soup by now." She smiles.

"Oh, it was nothing." She tucks a stray hair behind her ear.

I look at her seriously. "April, you just saved my life. How can I ever thank you?"

Suddenly, the entire atmosphere changes as an evil glint bounces off her blue eyes. My heart skips a beat as she takes a step forward. "Well... there is one way." My mind is suddenly overcome with flashbacks from that one terrible night that April came onto me. It's all happening again!

I back up slowly. "April, we've been over this..." I say. "Whatever we had is over. Especially now that Y/n and I have Jordan, and you and Casey have Blake."

"What they won't know won't hurt them." She says seductively.

I'm suddenly backed straight into the corner, with nowhere to go. April slowly walks towards me, and before I know it, her hands are firmly on my shoulders. "I've been waiting for this for a long time." She says, before lunging for me and smashing her lips onto mine.

I'm paralyzed.

Completely frozen.

No matter how much I will myself to move, I can't. I'm completely stuck, and April is pressing up against me like some sort of a vertical couch. With every second this goes on, the more sick to my stomach I feel.

This can't be happening.

I bound around the rooftops, following my tracker Donnie gave me. I'm following the scent of Snakeweed, who's causing a lot of damage toward Central Park. I race faster and faster, with the image of people in danger as my motivation to keep hurrying.

Suddenly, the beeping on my tracker falls silent. I stop dead in my tracks, and check my tracker to make sure the battery hasn't died or something. Somehow, Snakeweed has completely dropped off my radar. Completely gone. Disappeared into thin air. How?

I scratch my head out of confusion, and shake the device to make sure Donnie hasn't given me a faulty one. "Stupid metal box!" I grumble. Suddenly, a small white box opens above me, and a dark and mysterious figure drops out. When she steps into the light, I'm completely surprised to see who it is. "Renet?" I ask.

The girl dusts herself off, and looks me in the eye. Sure enough, there she is. Lilac skin and all. Her eyes light up when she sees me. "Mikey!" She says, racing to give me a hug.

I gladly hug her back, since it's been years since I last saw her. "What are you doing here, dudette?" I ask. "Last time I saw you, you were headed back into the dimensions of time!"

"I've been looking for you!" She replies. "You have no idea how difficult it is to get a hold of you guys."

An idea suddenly enters my head. I show her my tracker. "Hey, since you're here, you wouldn't happen to know about a giant mutant weed disappearing into nowhere, would you?"

She chuckles awkwardly, and rubs the back of her neck. "About that..." I raise an eyebrow. "I may or may not have sent Snakeweed 65 million years back in time..."

"What?!" I shout, both hands being planted onto my head. "Renet, you can't just tamper with time like that! Snakeweed is a dangerous villain, and Leo set me in charge to take him down."

Renet looks around. "Speaking of which, where are your brothers?" I explain to her about the heavy activity throughout the city, and Leo's decision to split us all up. "So, they just sent you each out on your own?" I nod. "What if you need back-up?"

"Easy. We'll call the girls in."

Renet looks confused, and a little bit disappointed. "Girls?"

I suddenly remember that it's been a while since Renet and I last spoke, and that times have changed. "I'm not sure how to tell you this..." I shuffle my feet awkwardly. "But... times have changed Renet... and I haven't seen you in so long."

"You got married and now you have two kids." She says bluntly, cutting me off. I'm surprised, and a little bit concerned about how she knows about Y/n and Matt and Fiona. "Mikey, I'm a time master. I know all there is, was and will be." I nod, remembering her oddly chosen career. She sighs. "I have a confession."

I sit down on the edge of the rooftop, and she joins me. "Go ahead, I'm a good listener."

She sighs again. "I didn't just come here for Snakeweed, or to see you." I'm suddenly very confused. "Well, I mean I did. But, there's something else." Her hand suddenly lands on mine, and I jump at our skin making contact. She turns her head to face me, and our eyes lock. I can see straight into her mahogany orbs, almost as if I can see time and space itself. Suddenly her face inches towards mine, and I don't know how to react.

"R-Renet..." I bable. She shushes me as our lips softly connect. Every instinct inside of me is screaming, but I can't move. Maybe she has some sort of a spell on me, or maybe it's something else; but whatever it is, I can't move and I feel like I'm slowly drowning.

In a pool of my own tears.

Because I may

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