Playing Matchmaker

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Skye's POV:
It's been a few weeks since Taya and Logan started dating. It's great and all, but I feel a bit left out. I mean, don't get me wrong; I love seeing Taya so happy. But I can't help but have this feeling every time Taya and Lily talk about their boyfriends.

I can't describe it, it's like a burning sensation in the back of my mind that makes me want to intervene and tell them both to shut up.

Am I going crazy?

On the way to school, I'm walking with Taya and Lily. Matt and Jordan are trailing behind talking about whatever boys talk about.

"So, when are we going on that double date?" Lily asks, giggling at Taya.

Taya smiles back. "As if our parents would let us!" She replies. "My dad would probably slaughter Logan if he found out we were dating."

"Yeah, my dad would kill me if he found out I was dating Blade." Lily says, sighing. "They just don't get it."

"I know," Taya says. "I mean, I get that they're protective, but for crying out loud let us live a little!"

I roll my eyes, and I get that burning sensation again. I try my hardest to ignore it, but it just gets stronger and stronger until eventually I can't keep it in any longer.

"Can we talk about something else?!" I blurt out, covering my mouth as I do. Lily and Taya look at me, the same confused expression on their faces.

"Sure, Skye..." Lily says, a bit scared.

"You alright, Skye?" Taya asks. "You're a bit on edge."

"I'm... I'm fine." I say, trying to keep my cool. Damn I hate having my dad's temper issues. "I just... I feel left out."

"How?" Taya asks.

"Well, I'm the only one here who has never been in a relationship." I say sadly. As much as I'd hate to admit it, it does sting that all my cousins have had at least a dose of a relationship, and I'm the only one who hasn't.

Lily places a hand on my shoulder. "Aw, I'm sure there's someone for you, somewhere."

I look at her and smile. "Thanks Lil." I say.

Suddenly Taya gasps. "I just got THE best idea!" She exclaims. Lily and I both turn to her, eager to hear what she has to say. She takes both my hands. "Skye," she looks at Lily. "Lil and I are going to play matchmaker!"

I try to smile. "Oh yay..." I say, trying to sound excited.

Truth is, I hate the idea of being set up. I mean, the guy could be a serial killer for all I know! And besides, how am I supposed to react if he's like the total opposite of me? Worse yet, what if he likes me but I don't like him? Ugh, love is so complicated!

"You're not going to use one of Logan's brain-dead allies are you?" Lily asks, worried.

"Pfft." Taya replies, brushing it off. "As if. And they're his ex-allies now. They haven't talked in ages."

Lily mimes wiping sweat from her brow. "So what's the plan, chief?" She asks, turning to Taya.

Taya shrugs. "I guess we just keep our eyes peeled."


A few hours later, I'm in Geography. It's one of the few classes I have with Taya, so this time we sit side-by-side.

Our teacher, Miss Elkin, pulls down a world map and points to France. "Who can tell me what the capital of this city is?"

Almost instantly several hands shoot upwards, almost like the classroom had been tipped upside down. Miss Elkin calls on Dawn, who is sitting a couple of desks away. "Paris." Dawn answers cheerfully.

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