Let him go...

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Matt's POV:
It's been about three days since the accident with GoGo, and she hasn't spoken to me since. Every time I try and smile at her in the halls, she looks away. Every time I try to talk to her, she ignores me. Every time I try to contact her on social media, she goes offline.

It's official.

She hates me.

Thursday afternoon. Can't say it's my favourite time of the week, but it could be worse - Science club could be every afternoon.

Jordan nudges me as I spin my pencil around on my desk. I can't help but think about GoGo and the other day. I feel terrible for what happened, and I would do anything to take it back.

He smiles at me. "You look blue." He whispers.

"I feel blue." I reply, not listening to his euphemism. I turn to him. "How do you know if a girl hates you?"

Jordan shrugs. "She doesn't talk to you...?"

I groan and drop my head on the desk, alerting Dawn and Tadashi. Dawn leans towards Jordan. "Is he alright?" She whispers.

Jordan nods. "He had a rough day." He replies.

I close my eyes and try to block out Professor Iken's thick accented voice. The sooner this session is over, the better.


After the club is finished, I plod out of school with Jordan. "That was the worst session of my life." I groan. Jordan rests a hand on my back.

"Cheer up, man." He says. "Things will get better." I try to smile, but I just feel like I'm about to burst into tears. "How about we go for pizza? Just you and me?"

I straighten up, as we start to walk towards the gate.

Suddenly, a thick smell of smoke fills my nostrils, and I feel my insides turn sour as my heart rate increases.

I turn around, and see the whole science block on fire! Flames lick the windows as the bright orange colour illuminates the room.

I turn around and run towards the building, following my instinct. Other kids from the club are running away in terror, and I'm suddenly joined by Tadashi, Dawn and Jordan.

Tadashi stops one of the girls from the club. "Are you alright?" He asks.

The girl coughs. "Yes, but Professor Iken is still in there!"

Tadashi looks up as the girl runs off, and I swear for a moment the world stops as my heart skips a beat. I know what he's about to do.

He takes a few steps towards the building before Dawn grabs his arm. "Tadashi, no!" She shrieks. I can see tears forming in her eyes.

"Someone has to help." He says.

I join her. "Dude, think about this! Don't do it!" I say. As much as I despise Tadashi, I can't just let him risk his life.

Tadashi gives me a sad look. "I can't leave him." A tear falls down Dawn's face as she lets his arm go.

Before Tadashi runs off, he takes off his cap; the one he wears everywhere. He hands it to Dawn, who looks up at him with tear-filled eyes. When another one rolls down her cheek, Tadashi wipes it away and smiles. "I will be back." He whispers. He smiles at Jordan and I, and nods before racing off into the flame engulfed building.

She watches in panic, worry and terror, waiting for him to burst out of the building with Proffessor Iken. Tears stream down her face and two shaky hands are pressed together against her lips in a prayer like manner. She waits anxiously; hoping, praying that everything will be alright. That Tadashi is in there, saving someone's life.

We wait anxiously for about a minute and a half, before the unthinkable happens.

There's a high pitched sizzling sound, before the whole building explodes into a ball of fire and gas.

"GET DOWN!" Jordan shouts, turning around and crouching, tucking his head between his arms. Dawn and I do the same, as a swarm of debris goes over our heads.

Fire engines echo in the distance as we all turn around and stand up. The building that once stood before us, is now nothing but a wreckage filled with flames and debris. I watch in shock and horror as the wreckage goes up in flames.

Tadashi and Professor Iken are nowhere to be seen.

Dawn falls to her knees and screams at the top of her lungs, making Jordan and I cover our ears. She starts to sob loudly, while crying out Tadashi's name. She clutches the hat to her chest and sobs even louder, as she clings onto the last memory she has of him.

I walk over and comfort her, about to pull her into a warm embrace. She stands up and pulls me close, holding me tightly, sobbing into my shoulder. I hold her equally as tight and stroke her beautiful, long, curly blonde hair.

Jordan hangs his head low, in respect for Tadashi and the late Professor Iken. I watch as a tear escapes his eye, and he removes his glasses to clean the tears out of them.

I hold Dawn for what seems like hours. Comforting her, making her feel safe, calming her down; until the Firefighters arrive, and take her away as well as to battle the blaze.

As Jordan and I walk home, I feel a strong emptiness inside. I have never seen someone die in front of my eyes before, let alone being killed at all. I feel like there is a great gaping hole inside me missing, and nothing is ever going to fill it.

Tadashi wasn't my best friend; in fact I could hardly call him a friend at all. But, he was my crush's boyfriend, and that automatically connects us together. Despite my hatred for his love for Dawn, he was still a good guy. It makes me wish I wasn't so hard on him while he was alive.

Rest in peace, dude.

Rest in peace.

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