Turtle Notes #4

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Hi darlings!

I feel like I haven't done a Turtle Notes in forever!

I'm sorry if I've been a bit slow in the uploading, things have been a bit out of order with me recently with schoolwork and all that jazz. ANYWAY, how have you guys been enjoying the story so far?

I've noticed I've been getting a lot more reads on chapters recently than I used to, and for that I am truly, truly, truly grateful. My readers are the best in the world and I wouldn't swap you for anything! Not for a million billion squillion dollars! Thank you! Mwah <3

I feel like the story is being a bit slow and progressive... I mean, I really want to skip ahead to when they're teenagers but then you miss so much of their childhood. But, fear not lovelies, I do have a magnificent chapter coming up soon which will feature a certain villain and one of your favourite turtle kids. Can you guess who I'm talking about?

Here's a challenge:
Comment which Hamato Kid is your favourite and why! I don't think I really have a favourite, they're all special in their own way to me :)

Special chapter coming soon!

Peace out Girl Scout ✌️

- Turtleluvah xoxo

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