Heartbreak Hotel

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Jordan's POV:
I'm still shaky after what happened at Akiko and Blade's house. I passed out when I came home from shock and a little bit of blood loss, scaring everyone half to death.

I open my eyes and everything seems blurry. There's a few greenish figures hovering over me, plus another one which I can't really describe.

"He's waking up..." One of them says, their voice ringing through my head.

I blink a few more times until everything becomes clear. The four green figures hovering over me are my dad as well as Uncle Leo, Uncle Raph and Uncle Mikey. The other figure was my mom. I look around, trying to figure out my surroundings.

"Jordan!" My mom squeals, hugging me close. "You're alive!"

I feel a sharp pain at my neck, where the cut was. "Ouch," I grunt. She quickly lets go and looks at my neck.

"Sorry!" She says, resting me down. I place a finger where the cut was, and I feel a bandage there.

"W-what happened?" I groan, sitting up.

"You passed out." Uncle Leo replies. "There was a deep cut at your throat."

My dad lifts his goggles from his head. "We thought we'd lost you."

Uncle Raph growls. "Who was the deadbeat who did this to you?" He asks, making a fist.

"Maybe it was a vampire?" Uncle Mikey adds.

Uncle Raph turns to him, teeth grit together. "It wasn't a vampire, Mikey!" He hisses.

"Well, there's blood coming from his neck... So I thought--"

"Vampires aren't real, Mikey." Uncle Leo adds.

Dad examines my neck. "Definitely not a vampire." He says. "It looks like someone tried to slit his throat."

My mom gasps. "Who?"

Everyone looks to me for an answer. I try to remember what happened. "I was... At Akiko's house..."

"Who's Akiko?" Dad asks.

"She's... A friend." I reply. "And her mom came home..."

"Who's Akiko's mom?" Mom asks.

I think for a moment, trying to remember her name. "Karai Oroku." I finally mutter.

Everyone looks at Uncle Leo, who's eyes are now the sizes of small plates. I'm just confused. What has Uncle Leo got to do with her?
*Flashback finished*

As I walk to school, I'm constantly aware of the bandage at my throat where the cut was. It feels like a python around my throat, slowly squeezing the life out of me. Lily gently bumps my shoulder.

"Chin up, buttercup." She says, smiling.

I turn my head and try and smile at her, but my neck hurts too much and I just do a half smile.

I'm still scared. More than that I'm terrified. What if Akiko and Blade set me up? What if Karai comes back for me?

As we approach the school gates, I can see Akiko waiting for me. She gives me a little shy wave, before noticing my bandage. She comes rushing over like a hyperactive nurse.

"Oh my god!" She says. "What happened?"

I sigh and take both her hands, pulling her off to the side. "Akiko, we need to talk." I say.

Her eyes fill with worry. "Okay, what's wrong?"

I feel my heart drop to my stomach. I may not be a full human, but I still have human emotions; and if there's one thing I've learnt about relationships, it's that they're based on trust. Akiko has nearly had me killed twice so far, and both times she has betrayed my trust. It just doesn't seem to be working anymore.

I sigh and look at her in her gold eyes. "Akiko, relationships are built on trust." I say. I can see her eyes become glassy, and her lips trembling. I swallow the last ounce of pride I have. "...and I don't feel like I can trust you anymore..."

She takes a deep breath out. "Are you breaking up with me?"

I avoid her gaze, knowing that if I lock eyes with her for one more second I will break down in tears. "I'm sorry." I say. "But, I nearly got killed yesterday. More to the point, you promised me that your mom and Shredder wouldn't be home."

I can see tears starting to form in her eyes. "I didn't know she was coming back so early! Please, Jordan..."

I purse my lips together and look upward, fighting back tears. "I'm sorry." I squeak. "It's just not working anymore."

"We can find a way to make it work!" She protests. "Please, just give it a chance..."

"I can't continue a relationship with someone when I know the lives of people I love as well as my own could be at risk." I reply. "I can't... I can't have that responsibility on my shoulders."

She looks down, and a tear falls from her eye. "I understand." She says. I can literally see her heart being shattered inside her. It hurts me more than it hurts her, but it's for the best. She finally looks up at me, her eyes red rimmed and wet. "Goodbye, Jordan."

Akiko's POV:
My heart is smashed into a billion tiny shards. I look up at Jordan, who now looks as guilty as I feel heartbroken. "I understand." I say. "Goodbye, Jordan."

I take a step away and wander away into the school grounds, hiding my tears and trying not to attract any attention. I've never had my heart broken before, and it hurts more than it looks on TV.

Eventually I seek refuge behind the girls bathroom. I put my bag down beside me, and I lean up against the wall, starring at the sky. Eventually I just let every emotion inside me loose.

Streams of tears pour down my face as my heart hurts uncontrollably. I slide down the wall, and bury my face in my hands. I've never been more upset in my life.

I cry for what feels like hours and hours on end, until I have nothing more to give. My river of tears has run dry, now all that's left is the sheer distraught following the break up.

Suddenly I feel a pit of fire in my stomach. A burning urge to make Jordan pay for dumping me like he did. He will not get away with this.

No one hurts an Oroku and gets away with it.

No one.

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