Turtle Notes #9

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Hello <3

How you guys doing?

I hope you're having a lovely day, wherever it is you are in the world.

How are you enjoying the story so far? Things are getting a bit intense with Shredder's plan. What do you think he's planning on doing?

I've seen that a few people are shipping Blade and Lily (awwww <3) which, to be honest I am not completely against! I think they'll make a really cute couple! I mean, clearly #Bladely is real. Have you not heard how Blade talks about her? BUT, there's always a catch. I mean, Lily is Leo's daughter, and Blade is Karai's son! How are they going to react when they find out that their kids like eachother (spoiler alert)?

What about Akiko and Jordan though? I've seen a couple of comments shipping them, but not nearly as much as Blade and Lily. What do you guys think? Should #Joriko be a thing?

Here's a challenge:
Okay, so I only saw this a few days ago, but somewhere in the wonderful world of wattpad, I saw someone who was doing a Q & A in their comments of their Authors Notes, and I thought: WHY NOT? So, I'm going to be doing a Q & A in the comments! Comment your questions, and I will do my very best to answer them :) Please no weird or unsavoury questions because I will delete or report them.

Peace out Girl Scout ✌️

- Perri xoxo

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