When you comfort your kids (Jordan)

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Jordan plodded into the lair, dragging his feet and backpack behind him. Donnie looked up from his paper. "Hey, Jordan." He says. Jordan just grunts and carries on his slow journey towards his room. Donnie looks at you. "Maybe he had a rough day?"

You shrug. "I'll talk to him."

You get up and walk towards Jordan's room. Before you knock, you hear something. It sounds like sobbing. Sobbing? You press your ear to the door, to hear someone indeed crying. You knock on the door. "Jordan, sweetie?" You say. "It's mom. Can I come in?"

The sobbing continues, so you just carefully open the door to see Jordan lying on his bed, face buried in a pillow.

You wander over and place a hand on his back. "Sweetie," you say sensitively. "What's wrong?"

He turns his head to face you, his face pale and his eyes bloodshot. "I'm a heartless person; that's what's wrong." He sniffles and turns back over.

"I've never seen you so upset." You reply. "Did something happen at school?"

He doesn't move for a few seconds, until he sits up and clutches his pillow to his stomach. "Mom," he sniffles, wiping his nose on his pillow and fixing his glasses. "How do you break up with someone nicely?"

You blink a few times, trying to digest the question before sitting down. "Honey, I don't think you can." His head drops low. "Why are you worried about breaking up with someone?"

"I'm not worried..." He whimpers. "I'm ashamed."

You brush his hair out of his eyes. "Jordan Donovan Hamato," you say, holding his face to meet your gaze. "You have nothing to be ashamed about. You are a bright, young, talented boy. Any girl who turned you down obviously has no taste."

"A girl didn't turn me down, mom..." He says, looking down. "...I broke up with a girl."

You're taken aback. "Since when did you have a girlfriend?" You ask, trying not to sound angry.

He looks at you. "Her name is Akiko." He says.

"That girl who's house you were at?" You ask, suddenly remembering the chain of events leading to his injury.

He nods. "I told her that I couldn't trust her anymore." A tear falls down his cheek, but he quickly wipes it away. "Every time her and I are together, I always end up getting hurt or someone I love ends up getting hurt."

You think for a moment. "Well, that seems like a fair enough reason." You reply. "So, why are you so upset over it? It's for the best."

He sniffles and pushes his glasses up his nose. "You didn't see the look on her face..." He says. "I've never felt so heartless in all my life."

You place an arm around him. "Jordan," you say. "There are going to be times in your life when you need to make decisions," you gently stroke his hair. "And sometimes it'll be a matter between hurting yourself or hurting someone else." He takes a deep breath out. "You made the right decision." He looks up and you look down at him, smiling. "And just know that no matter how long it takes for you to heal; you did the right thing."

He cuddles into you. "Thanks, mom."

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