Baby Born - Leonardo

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It's been a fair few months since you've called pregnant, and already you stomach is expanding to extreme sizes. Leo is very conscious of what's going on, so every time he thinks you're having contractions, he goes into panic mode.

"Are you sure you want a home birth?" Leo asks.

"Yes, Leo." You reply. "Imagine what the doctors will think when they see a big green reptile walk in with a pregnant woman, claiming to be her husband?"

"Fair enough." Leo says. He gently presses his hands to your stomach. "I can feel it kicking."

"It'll be energetic when it grows up." You reply.

A few hours later you're sleeping in your bed, when you wake up to feel sharp pains in your stomach. "LEO!" You scream. "Leonardo get in here now!"

Leo rushes in to see a liquid all over the bed sheets, and you lying on the bed, clearly in a panic. "Oh god..." He says. "Donnie! It's happening!"

Donnie rushes in and sees what's happening. "Okay we need to get her towels, warm water and something to wrap the baby in! Go!" Leo runs off to grab what he needs, in the process screaming out to Raph and Mikey. April hears what's going on and rushes in to help.

"What's going on?" She asks. She sees you on your bed and rushes to your side. "Okay honey, deep slow breaths. Okay?"

You start screaming in pain as you feel something being pushed out of your lower region. "I can see the head!" April says. "Keep going, Y/n. You're nearly there!"

You scream in agony as you give one last push. You hear a very tiny crying sound coming from your bed. "Good job, darling." Leo says, kissing you on the forehead. He's still holding your hand tightly.

"You can let go now." You croak, looking at your hand. Leo just smiles and looks at Donnie, who has bundled the baby up in warm sheets. He hands it to you.

"Congratulations guys." He says. "It's a girl!"

A small tear of joy escapes your eyes as you look at your beautiful daughter. She has Leo's sparkling blue eyes. Despite your worries, she's also 100% human. No turtle shell, no turtle head, completely human.

"She's beautiful." Leo says. You swear that he's crying tears of joy, although he'll never admit it.

"She's perfect."

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