NYE - Michaelangelo

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You look down at the massive crowd of people below you. "Mikey why are we up here?" You ask.

"To get a better view." Mikey replies.

Mikey had the most idiotic idea of him, you and Matt all standing on the top of the Coca-Cola sign, so you could: a) get a better view of the ball, and b) so you could get a better view than everyone else below.

Surprisingly, no one had managed to spot you three yet, which only made you more nervous. You look over the edge cautiously. "Why did I let you talk me into this?" You wonder out loud.

The clock approaches 45 seconds. "What's your New Years resolution, dad?" Matt asks.

"Cook all of the recipes in my Pizza book." Mikey replies, smiling at you. "What about you Matty?"

"I want to learn 5 new tricks on my skateboard before the year is over." He replies. "What about you, mom?" You take a few steps away from the edge of the sign, and take Mikey and Matt's hands.

"To take care of a beautiful little baby all over again." You rest them on your stomach, as both boys feel a slight kick.

Mikey jumps back a bit. "You're pregnant? Again?!"

"I'm going to have a baby brother or sister!" Matt says, jumping for joy.

The clock approaches ten seconds.

Ten... Nine... Eight... Seven... Six...

Mikey rests his hand on your stomach again, inching closer to you, while Matt stares in awe at the ball.

Five... Four... Three... Two...

"Happy new year, Y/n." Mikey whispers, before kissing you passionately.


Happy New Year!

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