Turtle Notes #19

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It's been TOO long you guys!

I haven't done a turtle notes since the beginning of July and we are approaching August quickly!

In other words, long overdue!

So hey guys, how you doing??? How have you all been since we last caught up? How has your summer been so far (for all my fellow American readers 👍🏽🇺🇸)? For everyone else, how's your day been in general?

We have SO much to talk about.

Okay, can someone PLEASE tell me when Mona Lisa is appearing in the 2012 series???? I AM DYING TO SEE THE EPISODE AND IF SOMEONE CAN SEND ME A LINK TO IT OR SOMETHING PLEASE TELL ME WHEN IT COMES OUT! I want to see Raph do a Donnie 😉

In other news, how have you guys liked the recent new chapters? I'm sorry I don't update as often as I used to but my schoolwork has been piling up and all that so...

The kids got their weapons!!!! What did you guys think of what I chose for them? The first patrol and training session chapters will be up soon, I promise!

Also, I'm so pleased with how people were reacting to the new potential ship that is Jess and Jordan AKA #Jesdan  ( @jessbabe34 you like?). You were all so incredibly supportive of it and I cannot thank you enough. You have no idea how much of a glow I get from when people tell me they love my ideas and everything that I have written. It just warms my heart so much. Thank you ❤️

In sadder news, #Bladely is no more. It really killed me inside to do destroy one of my favourite ships, but I had to do it. I mean Blade freaking KISSED the biggest slut in school! Drunk or not drunk it's not cool. And besides, he's now practically mortal enemies with the Hamato kids so it can't work between him and Lily.

While we're on the topic of ships, can I just ask how many people had feels for Logan in The Logan Files? There was a whole lot of drama in that chapter, from Taya questioning her relationship with Logan, to finding out about his home life... There was SO much!

ALSO, how many of you have read Forbidden? Do you like it? Comment what you think!

I have a MASSIVE chapter coming soon guys, so stay tuned!

That's all for now lovelies!

Love you long time!

- Perri xoxo

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