Goodbye my friends

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Dear my darling, beautiful, amazing readers,

I'm sorry to tell you the news like this.

I just can't anymore.

I don't have the motivation to write my TMNT stories anymore.

I'm sorry.

I really, truly am.

It breaks my heart to know that I no longer possess the ability to make content for people to love, but I can't make myself do this any longer.

It's confession time.

I've had this thought for a while now. I kept putting it off thinking I was just going through a phase and that in a week it would be over and I'd be back to doing what I loved. But that's not the case anymore.

I can't keep hiding this from my friends  and family anymore. I can't keep lying to people. I can't keep freaking out every time someone borrows my phone, because I worry they will accidentally stumble into my emails or onto my wattpad account.

I really, truly am sorry. I can't convey in words how happy you have all made me feel. I am eternally grateful for everything you have done for me, and for everything I have experienced with you.

We have been on a fantastic and wonderful journey together. We've shared highs and lows. We've had some of the greatest memories I will ever hold together. But all good things must come to an end.

I will always hold a special place in my heart for all of you, and nothing will ever ever ever replace that.

What you all have given me, is something I will cherish forever. Something I will never forget. Something I will hold onto with every last ounce of love I have right up until the day I die.

I will never forget my love for TMNT, and most importantly my love for writing.

As for Lily, Jordan, Matt, Taya and Skye, Akiko, Blade, Dawn, GoGo, Tadashi (May he Rest in Peace), Jess, Logan, Callum and every other character I have created in my stories, they will live on. But not in my stories. I'm leaving that up to you. Their lives continue only in your imaginations, and as long as there is imagination in the world, they will never die.

I'm sorry that none of you will ever experience some of the ships I was planning on creating, as well as the ones that were on the verge of setting sail (#Jesdan). I'm sorry that none of you will ever know some of the plots I had waiting in the back of my mind. But most of all, I'm sorry that I can't do this anymore.

But hey, who knows? I might come back in a few months time and decide that I can't live without writing? I might not be able to stay away.

I won't give away any spoilers I was planning on doing, because if I do come back I will have nothing to write.

I just want to give a few special mentions to some people who have made this journey amazing for me and who has helped me every step of the way.

TMNT_Unicorn Nadyia, my Wattpad bestie, you have been one of the nicest people in the world to me. I'm sorry that we're never going to be able to do that collab book we were planning. I wish you all the best in the future, and I hope that you achieve all your hopes and dreams.

Coolgirl1005 you're one of the funniest girls I know. Thank you so much for supporting me through all that I have done, and for keeping tabs on where my books have placed on the fanfiction charts XD I'll miss you so much.

RandiSkye you've been there for me time and time again. You never gave up on me, and you were always encouraging me to keep going. You congratulated me when I did something well, and you gave me a shoulder to cry on if I failed. I always looked forward to seeing your name appear in my feed, knowing you were always there for me.

shadow_tmnt_zelda I still remember our very first conversation. You were the first person I ever met on Wattpad, and I remember being such a newbie that I needed to ask you for help for the simplest things XD

HighThreeTMNT you guys were always so kind to me. I loved seeing you comment on my chapters, leaving beautiful encouraging words and lovely things. You're amazing.

jessbabe34 Jess. Jessica. Jessie. I don't know where to begin, other than apologising a million times for not ever giving you your chance at romance with Jordan, despite you winning my competition. You're an amazingly sweet girl, and I wish you all the best in your future. You're an amazing, beautiful, kind hearted person and I love that about you. Good luck xx

As for everyone else, I love you so incredibly much. Thank you for all your support with my Karai x Leo fan fiction, my TMNT Kids Boyfriend Scenarios, My Husband Scenarios and most importantly the book that started it all, my TMNT Boyfriend Scenarios.

Thank you for sticking with me for so long. I love you all a million times around this universe and back again.

I won't be deleting this account, nor will I delete any of the stories in it. I'm leaving it all completely untouched for people to enjoy.

So this is it.

I've come to my very last chapter I'll ever write for this book - for now at least.

So, for the very, very last time.

Peace out Girl Scout ✌🏼️

Love always,

- Perri (Turtleluvah) xxxxxx ❤️

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