The Honeymoon - Leonardo

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For your honeymoon, yourself and Leo decided to go to Greece.

When you arrived you checked into your hotel room and you were simply blown away.

The room was massive! There was a huge ensuite with a big spa bath and luxurious bathroom sink and toilet with a beautiful view of the ocean outside the nearby window. The bedroom had a massive double bed with a canopy, covered in soft looking silk sheets. There's a balcony that shows a breathtaking view of the beach below - everything was simply gorgeous!

You gently put your suitcase down at the foot of the bed and throw yourself onto the mattress. "It's so soft!" You say. Leo puts his bags down and joins you. "Where did you find this place?"

"Google has some very good suggestions." He replies.

"I love it so much!" You reply. "It's beautiful!"

"Perfect place for me to spend some quality time with my gorgeous wife." Leo smirks, kissing you lightly. You giggle and smirk through the kiss.

When he breaks away, you both look at each other. The sun is gently setting over the sea. You rush out to the balcony to take a look. "Oh it's beautiful!"

Leo joins you. "Yes, you are." You smile at him as he wraps his arms around your waist and burrows his face in your neck, making you giggle.

He then whispers in your ear: "I love you."

You turn around and peck him on the lips. "I love you too." Your stomach growls. "I'm hungry, Leo. Can we get dinner?"

Leo smirks. "Or we could get room service?"

Your eyes light up as you run back inside and pick up the phone. "Hello, room service? Yes I would like to order one large margarita Pizza with a thin crust, and bottle of your finest dessert wine." You can see Leo out of the corner of your eye. He's leaning up against the doorframe, arms folded across his chest, smirking. "Yep, that's all. Thank you!" You hang up the phone.

Leo joins you on the bed. "Dessert wine?" He asks.

"It's our honeymoon, we can afford to have some fun." You reply.

A few minutes later there's a knock at the door. Leo hides in the bathroom while you open the door to receive the food. When he hears the door latch shut, he comes out and joins you.

You two enjoy a delicious pizza and wine for dinner, before collapsing on the bed. "That was a good pizza!" Leo says.

"Yes..." You reply, closing your eyes. Leo sits up and then looks over you for a few moments. You notice the sudden silence and open your eyes to see Leo hanging over you. He then smiles. "Leo, what are you doing?" You ask.

"Nothing." He says leaning down to kiss your neck. You moan quietly. He breaks for a moment while you sit up. "You said yourself, it's our honeymoon we can afford to have some fun!" He goes back to kissing your neck while you wrap your legs around his waist and sit on his lap.

Let's just say that things did get a bit more fun, and we'll leave it at that...

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