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Matt's POV:
My plan with GoGo is working! Every time Tadashi sees me with GoGo his eyes go green with envy. As for Dawn, I can tell she's getting jealous as well. According to Lily, Taya, Skye and my mom, girls can be very jealous very easily. In other words, BOOYAKASHA!

I'm at my locker, swapping over books and texting GoGo about our next master move on Tadashi and Dawn. I can't help but smile every time she sends me a reply.

Don't get me wrong, I like Dawn... A lot. But then there's GoGo. She's smart, speedy, witty, tough... She's everything I like in a girl. But this is a FAKE relationship so I can win back the girl of my dreams. But, what if the girl of my dreams is right under my nose...?

I close my locker door, and jump when I see Dawn standing behind it. "Hey Matt." She says cheerfully.

"Hey Daw-- hey, you got my name right!" I say.

She giggles. "I feel terrible, I kept getting it wrong before! You're too cute to be a Maz."

I blush as it suddenly hits me. Is she hitting on me? I giggle nervously. "Ahaha... Thanks." I say.

"So, uh..." She says, getting closer. "You and GoGo..." I can feel my palms getting sweaty and my stomach turn in knots. "Are you guys... together?"

I resist the burning urge to smash my lips onto hers, and instead clear my throat. "Yep, yep. Totally."

She looks slightly disappointed and takes a step back. "Oh okay. That's... That's cool."

"What about you and Tadashi?" I ask, trying to shift the subject. "How are you guys going?"

She nods and looks away. "Yeah, yeah... It's... It's going alright." I nod as well, not knowing what to add to the conversation. "Anyway, are you still doing Science club?"

I nearly reply with: What club? "Yeah, totally!"

She smiles and bends her knees for a moment. "Sweet, I'll see you Thursday afternoon then!" She then walks off and passes GoGo, who raises both eyebrows at me.

"What was that?" She asks.

"Oh, we were just... talking." I reply, watching Dawn as she wanders away.

"Talking?" GoGo echoes.

"I think she was hitting on me..." I reply kind of distracted.

GoGo raises one eyebrow. "Well, aren't you flavour of the month." She hits my arm, and it gives me tingles. Dammit Matt! Control yourself!

"She's probably only interested because of what we're doing." I reply, brushing the idea off. "That was the idea, after all."

"Speaking of," GoGo replies. "Tadashi seemed a little flirtatious today."

I look at her, eyes wide. "Towards you?"

She bits her lip and smiles. "He'll be begging for mercy by the end of the week!"

The thrill in her voice excites me. I try to hide the goosebumps on my arms, by rubbing them for warmth, although I get a bit of a funny look from GoGo. "So, what's the plan for today?"

A devilish smile crosses GoGo's face. "I've been thinking, if we really want Tadashi and Dawn to come crawling back, we need to step it up a notch." My eyes widen, hoping she doesn't mean what I think she means. "Today at lunch, although it sickens me to think of it, we need to be totally over the top PDA."

I swallow a dry lump in my throat. "You mean, kiss?"

GoGo gives me a blank yet disgusted look. "Are you an idiot? That'll drive them off!"

I let a small breath out. "Okay, okay."

I am not prepared to kiss someone in order to make someone else jealous, and I am definitely not prepared to let GoGo know I have never kissed a girl before - it's terrible, I know. It could ruin my entire image!


It's lunchtime now, and Dawn and Tadashi are sitting on the lawn area of our school. GoGo and I sit about twelve feet away, not too close and not too far.

GoGo glances over at Dawn and Tadashi. Dawn is sitting on her knees while Tadashi is leaning back with his legs outstretched, resting on his elbows. She turns to me. "Get close to me." She whispers. I do as she says, and inch closer to her as she places a delicate hand on my chest.

Not going to lie, but when she did that, I feel a tingly feeling in my... Lower regions...

I place a hand in her hair and tuck it behind her ear, stroking the side of her face. Out of the corner of my eye I can see Dawn and Tadashi watching us.

GoGo smiles devilishly and lets out a loud giggle, before gently bumping her forehead against mine. I smile as well, as I can see Dawn and Tadashi looking envious.

To top the whole thing off, GoGo embraces and hugs me tightly. I smile as I can see Dawn and Tadashi looking annoyed, as they grab their things and walk off. GoGo sees this as well, and when they're well out of earshot, she squeals (something I never thought I would see GoGo do. Ever.)

We both stand up, and she walks with me around the back of a building, where no one will see us.

"Did you see that?!" GoGo hisses. "They're so jealous!" She jumps up and down. "They can't stand it! They'll be begging for mercy!" She hugs me tightly. "Good work, partner!"

Getting carried away in the moment, I lean in and for a split second think that our lips are going to connect. GoGo however backs away before any contact can happen. "Whoa!" She says, holding both hands up. "Matt..."

"I'm sorry, GoGo!" I plead apologetically. "I didn't... I wasn't..."

"You do realise this is a pretend relationship, right?" She asks. "To get Tadashi and Dawn back?"

"Yes, I'm sorry..." I stutter again.

GoGo places both hands on her hips and exhales deeply. "It's... It's alright..." She looks at me, and for the first time since I have met her, I see fear in her eyes. "I've... I've got to go." She rushes off around the corner.

I chase after her. "GoGo! Wait, I can explain..." But she's already sped off.

I lean up against the wall and kick myself on the inside. I'm such an idiot! How could I let my feelings get in the way of getting Dawn back?! I've probably screwed everything up now. Why did I do such a dick move?!

This isn't a video game where you start back at level 1 after you bomb out; this is real life and unless you really want to win Dawn back, you need to make-up with GoGo.

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