He's always watching... Part 4

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Shredder's POV:
I've waited years for this moment. Finally, I am able to crush the turtles once and for all. Finally, after all the plotting I can fulfill my plan. Finally, I can do what I have been unable to do for the past 25 years. And it's all thanks to my brilliant mind, and Akiko and Blade.

Destroy the turtles my children, and return triumphant.

I call in Blade and Akiko. "I have a mission for you both."

They look at eachother excitedly. "Thank you for this great honour, master." Akiko says.

"You are friends with the hiddeous spawn of the turtles, yes?"

"The Hamato kids?" Blade replies. "Yeah."

"Good." I say, gently resting my fingers together. "Lure them here."

"What?" They ask in unison.

"Lure them to the lair. I don't care how you do it, just bring them here ...alive." They look disappointed, but nonetheless accept.

"Hai master." They both say, turning around and walking towards the door.

"Wait!" I interrupt. They both turn around. "One last thing, if you don't bring them here... there will be grave consequences. For you..." I pause. "And your mother."

Akiko's POV:
No. No, this can't be happening. I will not allow him to hurt Jordan! I won't! Jordan is my friend. More than that, he's my only friend, other than Blade. I won't let Shredder harm so much as a hair on his adorable head. Wait... adorable?

I snap myself out of my thinking trance. Did I just call Jordan adorable? I mentally face palm. Focus, Akiko, focus. What did Shredder want you to do? Oh that's right, ONLY ATTEMPT TO LURE HIM INTO A TRAP OF CERTAIN DEATH!

What am I supposed to do? I can't not follow Shredder's orders - he'll butcher me! Suddenly, his chilling words echo through my mind:

If you don't bring them here... there will be grave consequences. For you... And your mother.

If I don't do as he says, he'll hurt mom! God, no wonder she ran away to Japan. Shredder's the worst parent ever!

Blade's POV:
I kick a trash can. Stupid Shredder. My anger is so intense right now I can barely control it. I'm not going to let him hurt Lily. I'm not going to let him hurt anyone! Shredder's an evil dictator, I know that; but in all truth and honesty, this is just too far.

I can't find a way around it. Don't deliver, and he'll harm Mom, as well as Akiko and I; but if I do bring them here, he'll hurt them. My one weakness is seeing people I love get hurt, as much as I'd hate to admit it.

My mind floats back to Lily. The only girl other than my sister and my Mom to ever show me any kindness, and I look up to her for that. I imagine her sparkly blue eyes... Her silky brown hair... Her beautiful smile...

Woah woah woah...

Slow down there Cassanova! What are you saying? You're not going soft, are you? Being affectionate towards a girl? Pssht... That's wuss behaviour. You're a fearsome warrior, a soldier. You don't show affection.


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