Turtle Notes #3

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Hello my beautiful Turtleluvers <3

I hope you're all enjoying the story so far!

I just wanted to say a massive thank you to everyone. I've gotten over 2k reads on this book, and it's all thanks to you guys! Thank you to everyone who has voted, commented or even just read a few chapters. I know I say this every single time but I mean it, you guys are the best readers in the world and I love you all to bits!

I thought it was really sweet how you were all commenting on how you liked the names. There was at least one comment per chapter that said how beautiful you thought the names were. Thank you so much <3 I'm really glad you liked them!

Here's a challenge:
In the upcoming chapters, would you like me to show you all a drawing of what each of the kids look like? Comment your thoughts!

More chapters coming soon darlings!

Peace out Girl Scout ✌️

- Turtleluvah xoxo

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