First Patrol (Part 4)

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Leo's POV:
We scour ever street, peer down every alley, scavenge every rooftop; but somehow they've disappeared.

"What are these guys? Villains or chameleons?" Raph asks, obviously annoyed.

"They can't have just vanished!" Donnie replies, pulling out one of his gadgets. "According to my scanner, they're close."

"Well if they're close, then where are they?" Raph fumes.

"Patience, Raph." Donnie replies calmly. "We'll get them."

"I haven't got time for patience, Donatello!" Raph froths. "My kids are up there, and for all I know they could have been kidnapped in the time that we've been gone!"

Lily's POV:
I stare blankly at Blade for a second, as he slides his Katana away. "Lily, is that you?" He asks.

I stand there like an idiot, not knowing of what to do. How does he know it's me? My mask is supposed to protect my identity, not openly show it!

He takes a step towards me. "Lily, it's me." He says. "It's Blade."

"I've never met you before in my life." I reply back snappishly in an attempt to throw him off knowing it's me. He takes a step back, regretting admitting his name. "Are you aware of the fact that you have been running riot around New York for the past five days now?"

"I'm a villain, it's what I do." He replies.

I clutch my katana. "Look, I don't want to hurt you. Just stop causing havoc."

He chuckles. "Pfft... As if I'm going to listen to a wannabe like you."

"Don't make me attack you again, Blade." I reply, preparing to draw my weapon again. "This time I will actually hurt you."

He laughs again. "Please," he says. "You're what? Thirteen years old?"

"I can still cut off your arm." I threaten. "And I'll stick it to the top of your head as a souvenir."

"You talk big for such a small girl." He says, starting to circle me like a hungry vulture.

"I'm warning you..." I growl. "Don't make me do this."

I'm suddenly interrupted by a green blur tackling Blade down by the side. "Get. Away. From. My. DAUGHTER!"


Leo's POV:
"We've lost them." Mikey sighs.

"We can't have lost them!" Raph argues. "They were right there!"

"They're gone, Raph." Donnie says, putting away his scanner. "We'll get em next time."

"We'd better get back to the kids." I reply, gesturing to the building we left them on.

As we're making our way towards the rooftop, I overhear a conversation:

"Don't make me attack you again, Blade. This time I will actually hurt you." That was definitely Lily.

"Please. You're what? Thirteen years old?" That's a voice I don't recognise, but I have a feeling I know who it belongs to.

I hush my brothers as I peek over the edge to see what's happening. To my shock, I see Matt, the twins and Jordan battling one of the villains - the one with a whip - meanwhile Lily is facing the other one, one-on-one. He starts to circle her, and I can see her preparing to draw her weapon.

"What's going on, Leo?" Mikey whispers.

"It's the kids." I reply. "They're fighting the new guys."

Raph pushes to be next to me. "How are they doing?" He asks eagerly.

"The twins are fine." I reply. "Lily's one-on-one with the guy with the katana."

I look up to suddenly see him circling her. I can feel my blood begin to boil, and I can't stand to sit back and watch. I go to intervene, but Raph holds me back.

"Where are you going?" He hisses.

"To save my daughter." I reply.

I run at the boy as fast as I can, and tackle him to the ground. "Get. Away. From. My. DAUGHTER!" I say, holding him down.

Suddenly my brothers come to the rescue, battling off the girl and taking her down too.

I turn to Lily. "Go with Raph, Mikey and Donnie back to the sewers. Take the others with you."

"What about you?" She asks.

"I've got this under control. Go!" I reply.

She nods and disappears, along with my brothers and the rest of the kids; leaving me with the two new villains.

I hold them both firmly by the shoulders. "Who sent you?" Neither of them say anything, and so I tighten my grip. "I said, who sent you?"

"Get your filthy green hands off my kids!" I hear a familiar voice shout from behind me. I turn around only to have a sword held at my throat. "Long time no see."


The kids scramble to their feet and stand behind her. "Go back to the lair." She orders. They do as they're told and disappear.

"Those little vipers are your kids?" I squeak.

"They're my students." She replies. "Shredder needs more allies, and who better than his own grandchildren?"

"You disgust me." I hiss back.

"It's a talent." She replies. She quickly draws her sword back, before making a swing at my head.

I grab my own Katana, before dodging her swing. She goes to lunge for me once again, but I block her attack. Her face comes dangerously close to mine as she flutters her snake tongue near my eye.

"You could have had it all, Leo." She taunts. "You and I could have ruled this city together."

I block her attack again. "Is that what this is about? Revenge?" She pauses for a moment. "What happened happened, Karai." I say. "You can't change the past."

She suddenly growls and makes an aggressive swing at me. "You broke me down!" She shouts. "I let my guard down for the first time in my life and you destroyed me!"

"I was protecting you!" I argue back.

"The last time someone told me that, I was raped!" She shouts.

Her comment cuts me deep as I remember the story she told us that night at the warehouse. It still makes my stomach churn.

"You don't have to follow his orders anymore, Karai." I say, lowering my weapon. Her arm drops to her side as her head hangs low. She takes a few steps towards me, before hugging me tightly.

"All I ever wanted was for someone to love me." She whimpers.

I'm in shock. Ever since the night I told her we couldn't be together, I've thought that she was nothing but a cold, heartless assassin. But now I see she was just alone and in need of someone.

I gently pat her back, and she looks up at me, our faces centimetres apart. For a brief second, I almost feel something for her and I'm tempted to lean in and kiss her, but I'm suddenly stopped when she pulls away and darts off jumping from rooftop to rooftop. Not even a goodbye.

What the shell just happened?

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