Turtle Notes #11

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Hey everyone!

I haven't done a Turtle Notes in AAAAAAGES!!!! So, I'm long overdue.

How have you guys all been? How's life been treating ya? How's the weather wherever you are in the world?

We're approaching our 100th part!!! Woo! Get excited my beautiful Turtleluvers, because I have a very big surprise announcement to make on the 100th part! Stay tuned for that part :)

How did you like the Broken Hearts and Promises chapters? So many of you were fangirling over #Bladely and #Joriko. Jordan and Akiko are going on a date in the near future!!! Get excited #Joriko shippers, they may be some 'action' coming your way!

Here's a challenge:
Comment which one you like more - #TeamJoriko or #TeamBladely. I'm interested to see which ship is more popular!

Special chapters coming soon darlings!

Until then...

Peace out Girl Scout! ✌🏻️

- Perri xoxo

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