Cousin Chats #2

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Jordan's POV:
I lie in bed staring up at the concrete ceiling above me. It's one of those times late at night where you just have random and very deep thoughts to yourself. Except this time, I'm questioning myself about my past relationship with Akiko.

Was I too harsh with the break-up?

Has she moved on?

How do I know if she even liked me?

What even is liking someone?

I'm suddenly interrupted by a dark figure entering my room. Tensing up, I clutch my sheets close to my chest. It's times like these I wish I had a weapon I could use.

The figure comes closer, and my heartbeat quickens so much I feel like I'm going to hyperventilate. Taking a leap of faith, I reach for the lamp next to my bed and flick the switch, bracing myself for the impact.

I close my eyes tightly and wait for the attack, only to feel a soft hand on my sheets. "Jordan, calm down. It's only me." I open one eye to see Lily, wearing her blue and white stripped pyjamas.

I reach for my glasses and rest them on my nose. "You nearly gave me a heart attack!" I hiss at her.

She rolls her eyes. "Everyone's in my room waiting for you." She grabs my hand and drags me out of my bed. "Come on!"

I follow Lily to her bedroom where Matt, Taya and Skye are all sitting in a circle with a two person space between Matt and Skye.

When we sit down, Lily turns on the flashlight in the centre of the circle, dimly illuminating the room. "Who wants to go first?" She asks. Almost as if it's an instinct everyone looks to me. I just glance around innocently, before Skye raises one eyebrow.

"Come on, Jordan." She says. "It's been about 2 weeks since you broke up with Akiko; you must have something to say?"

I sigh. "I miss her." I push my glasses further up the bridge of my nose. "I know I'm only 14 and all that, but I felt like we really had a connection, you know?"

Lily rests her hand on my knee. "Hey, everything will be alright." She says.

I smile, and clear my throat. "So, yeah."

Matt's POV:
Jordan straightens up after his little speech about Akiko. I have to admit, it was cute, in a soppy kind of way.

Lily smiles and looks around the group. "Anyone else?"

I twiddle my thumbs, hoping no one will bring up the Dawn situation, or whatever is happening with GoGo. I hang my head down and try to look hidden, but instead just draw attention to myself.

"How's GoGo, Matt?" Lily asks, a devilish grin on her face. "How is your 'relationship' going?"

Automatically, everyone looks at me with wide eyes. "You are going out with GoGo?" Taya asks in disbelief.

I wave my hands in front of my body. "No, no, no!" I say, shaking my head. "It's... It's complicated."

"So you are?" Skye asks, nudging Taya.

"No, it's a fake relationship!" I reply.

Everyone but Lily looks puzzled. "He and GoGo are pretending to be together to get Dawn and Tadashi jealous." Lily says.

"Oh!" Everyone replies.

"Why didn't you just say that in the first place?" Jordan asks.

I face palm.

Suddenly, Lily's bedroom light flicks on and everyone freezes. Lily turns around and her face automatically drains of colour.

Lily's POV:
Aw, Sewer Bunnies!

My dad, along with Uncle Raph, Uncle Donnie and Uncle Mikey are standing in my doorway, none looking happy.

"What in shell's name are you all doing up?" My dad hisses.

"We, uh... We were just..." I stutter.

"Do you have any idea what time it is?" Uncle Donnie adds.

Jordan looks at his watch. "2:15 in the morning?"

"Way WAY past your bedtime!" Uncle Raph growls.

Dad points to the hallway. "Bed. Now. All of you."

I guess that's the last Cousin Chat we'll be having for a while...

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