Broken hearts and promises - Part 2

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Akiko's POV:
I watch as my twin brother wanders over towards Lily. I'm almost convinced she's going to slap him, and after a few minutes, I found I was wrong. Instead of violently hitting him like any girl would, she kisses him on the cheek?!

As disgusting as it is to watch, it kind of gives me the warm and fuzzies inside, as well as a sense of hope. If Lily wasn't so hard on Blade, then maybe Jordan won't be so hard on me?

I couldn't have been more wrong.

I approach Jordan, who is reading a book on a bench in the courtyard. I stand in front of him, but he doesn't look up. "Ahem." I say, clearing my throat. Jordan looks up and slams his book shut. "Hi Jordan." I say, taking a seat next to him.

"Go away, Akiko." He replies rudely.

"Listen, I just wanted to talk--"

"I don't think there's much to talk about."

Okay. He's being stubborn. That's something I never thought I'd see Jordan be.

"I want to apologise for what happened."

He looks at me straight on. "Go ahead then."

I take a deep breath. "Jordan, never in my life have I ever wanted to deliberately hurt somebody. Least of all you." He doesn't look convinced. "It wasn't my fault..."

"It's never your fault is it?!" He shouts, standing up. "You know what your problem is? You never know when to stop! You can never admit when you're wrong!"

"I'm telling the truth!" I shout, also standing up. "You didn't let me finish!"

"I don't think I want to hear what you've got to say, Akiko." He says, lowering his voice to a whisper.

"Just... Hear me out. Please?" He sits down, as do I. I take a deep breath. "That night... At the warehouse--"

"Where I was held hostage with a blade at my throat?" Jordan interrupts.

"Yes, that night. Being raised in the environment I have been, I've seen some really violent things happen; and believe me, hurting you or anybody else was the very last thing I wanted to do." His face remains unchanged. "You have no idea the amount of pressures I was under that day."

"Try me." Jordan replies coldly.

"Blade and I were warned that if we didn't bring you guys to the warehouse that night..." I swallow a lump in my throat. "Blade, myself and my mother would be prosecuted."


I fight back tears. "You really don't want to know." A rogue tear escapes my eye and falls down my cheek. Jordan notices and automatically knows I'm telling the truth. He puts an arm around me.

"Hey," he says. "Everything turned out okay. No one got hurt, no one got killed, no one was harmed."

I nod, sniffling. "I never have much of a choice. It's either do as I'm told or suffer the severe consequences."

Jordan nods. "Who is this unnamed villain anyway?"

"Shredder." I reply, a chill shooting down my spine.

Jordan's eyes widen. "The Shredder? The guy with unlimited swords, and who is in command of the foot clan?"

I nod. "He's my grandfather."

"You're related to that guy?!" Jordan asks in disbelief. I nod again.

"Mustn't be a surprise, huh? Me being Shredder's granddaughter. It must explain a lot."

"Like what?"

"Like why I'm such a cold hearted witch." I reply, letting another tear fall.

"You're not a witch, Akiko." Jordan says. "Not even close."

I wipe the tear away. "You're just saying that to make me feel better."

"No, I actually mean it."

I look him in his adoring chocolate brown eyes. I can see my reflection in his glasses, and I feel something in the pit of my stomach.

I hope it's just the chicken sandwich I ate for lunch...

I shake the fog out of my head. I'm getting side tracked. "So, do you accept my apology?"

Jordan, also getting lost in the moment, looks up. "On one condition." He says.

I roll my eyes. I hate it when people bargain with me. "Yes."

"YOU have to let ME take you to the movies one day."

My heart skips a beat.

Is he asking me out?? He's asking me out when I'm trying to apologise for nearly killing him?! I will never understand boys...

Lost in the moment, I snap back to reality. "Umm..." He's looking at me endearingly. "S-sure..."

"In that case, apology accepted." He stands up, offering me a hand. He gently pulls me off my feet, and kisses me on the cheek. "See you around, Kiki."

It would be cute if he hadn't called me that painfully perky nickname. I turn around, and give him a look - partly scorn, partly astonishment.

He flashes me a smug grin. That boy has good hearing.

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