When the past comes back to haunt them - Part 2 (Leonardo)

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This is my worst nightmare come true.

I try to struggle out of Karai's frightfully strong grip, but it's too much. Her slimy lips trace all over my face, and I feel like I can't breathe. I know that once - a very long time ago - I longed for something like this between her and I, but times have changed. I'm a  *happily* married man (or turtle) now, and I have a beautiful fifteen year old daughter waiting for me at home. I'm sorry Karai, it's just too little too late.

Eventually, I break free of her grasp and without a moment to think, I turn and run in the opposite direction as fast as I can. I'm not too clear on whatever happened back there, and there is no way that I'm turning back to ask. I've only got one goal now - get as far away from Karai as possible.

I'm panting harder than a hunting dog, racing across rooftops, sewer-bound to safety. As I run, I hear Karai's maniacal laugh echo through the empty streets below. "Leo..." She taunts. "You can run but you can't hide..."

All of a sudden, my world begins to spin as all I can see is Karai. Everywhere I look, she's there; taunting me with the past. Overwhelmed, I collapse on my knees in the centre of a deserted rooftop, my eyes are tightly shut, and my hands are planted firmly on my head, trying to cope with whatever is happening.

"You can't run from the past Leo..." Karai taunts again. "No matter where you go, I will find you..."

"LEAVE ME ALONE!" I scream. My throat burns as I shout as loud as I possible can.

In the midst of the moment, another voice infiltrates my reality. "Leo..." This one is more soothing. Karai's voice fades, as does the multiple visions of her all around me. My world is peaceful and serene again. "Leo... wake up..."

Suddenly, New York fades away, as my eyelids fling open. The first thing I see is Y/n, leaning over me. I look around to see I'm back in the lair, in our bedroom. I sit up, and rest a hand to my forehead.

"What-- what happened?" I say dizzily.

"You were having a nightmare." She replies, calmly resting a hand on my shoulder. "You were shouting in your sleep."

I sigh deeply before reclining back onto the mattress, trying to relax myself. "It was horrible."

She lies beside me. "What happened?"

I shake my head. "I was being haunted by a monster from my past." Simply remembering what happened gives me chills. Nightmare or not, that was not pleasant.

"What monster? Shredder?" She asks. I shake my head.


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