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I'm looking at the brothers that I got thru the years in the marine, they all have accepted that I have trouble with my speech, I was born with it and they have been helping me to get better, I can't really speak that clearly so I use my own hand signals and ASL, I'm looking at my three brothers in arms they have my back every time and I have their but right now I'm laying in a hospital bed, in a army hospital and I know that our last mission and I see their lips moving but I don't really hear so I make the movement with my hand when I see that I have my arm in cast and I know that it's bad.

"Relax T" I hear someone say and I turning around to fucker as I'm turning to him.

"You have been in a car crash, and your arm is broken and also you have a got shoot in your head," he say and I nod to him and I take a deep breath.

"I" I start saying and I struggle to say more and I see Fucker take my hand and nod.

"That's what we thought, you speech center have been damage even more" Fucker say and I nod. This is not good.

"I'm sorry Mackenzie" He say and I looking at them and I know I'm fucked, No I can't really speak.

"CO talking about getting you back state side, and he talking about getting you a job and a place where you can stay too" Asshole say and I nod to them and I know that they shouldn't be here, I looking at them and I nod at this I know I need to get to work.

"Don't worry we are off duty until you are going back to states" I hear Pussy say or David that's is his real name and I sigh and Fucker is laying down next to me, Fucker have always been my best friend since we enlisted, and we made it thru the Basic together, Pussy and Asshole and even sugar-tits. Sugar became a lawyer in the military, and we can always call him if we needed one there was just a call to him and he would help us. The reason for these names is what the Drill instructor gave us, Mine became Tiny, and later I became a Bitch in their eyes because I beat the Shit out of many of the Marine, and our first mission I became Crazy and this my brothers did say that I was Tiny crazy bitch, and I have accept it. I'm taking a deep breath as I'm looking at the wall I really hate being in hospitals, and I know that I can't demand to get release. So I'm laying here and accept that I'm stuck in bed and a few days later I see my CO coming in and he know about my speech problem and he have accept it and he would show patience with me when I tried to speak and right now he need it.

"Hey T" he say and I smile at him and he know that smile means Hi and what's up.

"Well the Doc say that you are good enough for the trip home" he say and I sit up and he know I want to know more, he have learned to read me as I'm moving my body speak more and my eyes speak more than my voice.

"You really want to get out of this hospital, well I have talk to your old Drill instructor, Andersson?" he ask and I know he was the Senor Drill Sergeant when I was there and he was the one to call me The Tiny bastard and I was proud of it.

"Well he have checked around and he found a garage that would offer you a few hours so that you would have a something to do during the day, you will still get your pay from the Marine Corps and you will get honorable discharge" he say and I nod to him and I see him smirk at me.

"Well you have a week to say goodbye to the Dragons, and I really going to miss you Tiny" he say and I nod to him.

"I" I start and he smile and nod.

"Yeah I know you will miss us too" he say and give me a hug and a kiss on my forehead, and he leave.

"Andersson will be there to pick you up at the airport" he say as he leave.

The week pass quickly and I see that my brothers are smiling sadly and I see that Fucker give me a something.

"This is the phone that I bought before we shipped out, Keep it with you, we call on that and we pay for it, stay safe little sister" Fucker say and he was the closest one to me, I grew up with him and his family and when my mother bailed on me, Fuckers family took me in and gave me their last name when they adopted me, I became a Roman, They even gave me the name Mackenzie I was called it from my mother, because of my speech problem, but they all called me Tiny because I was so small.

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