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I'm looking at Bear that is sitting next to me and he have arm around me and he allow me to sit in-front on him, I'm looking us from where we are sitting, he bought this blanket so I wouldn't have to sit on the grass and I didn't really care about that but Bear wouldn't hear or see that I was protesting and once we finish the meal that he bought he didn't get up, he just pulled me close to me and I can't believe that they where looking for me that quickly, and that both Bear and Knuckles came looking, Viking I would understand but Knuckles and Bear, I know that Bear and I have some sort of relationship. I'm slowly move so I lay in his lap and I see him frown when he feel me move and when he see that I'm laying my head in his lap he smile and he start running his hand thru my hair and I love that feeling of his hand in my hair.

"Feeling better?" Bear ask and I slowly shake my head.

"Want to talk about it?" he whisper and I'm looking around and he know I don't like speak around people.

"Hey don't give a fuck what they are thinking" Bear say and he growl slow and I smile at him.

"meht ssim I" I say and I see him looking at me as I speak.

"You are close to them?" He ask and I'm looking at him as he speak, and I nod to him.

"It's the first time you are separated from your brother?" He ask me and I shake my head and I point at my head and I hope that he understand.

"no I mean first time They have gone and you have been left behind" he ask and I shake my head, I was deployed two weeks after them once or twice because I need to do something for the Brass.

"Tnemyolped eht ffo dellup neeb evah I tub, erofeb dniheb tfel neeb evah I" I tell him and I see him see trying to understand what I just said and I see him thinking and I smile at him.

"Okay, so the others times you knew you would join them?" Bear ask and we are still enjoying the sun and I nod.

"Why didn't you come to me? Or Viking, or even Tools" Bear ask me as he is moving so that he can lay down next and we are laying on our back as we looking up at the sky, I'm snuggle up to his side and I think about it.

"Ti eciov woh wonk t'ndid I dna, dird eht ffo deppord Psycho, APRAD ot og mih dlot I, Marine a emaceb eh nehw ffo ssip gnikcuf dna Navy gnikcuf si ylimaf Cunt's. sih ot kaeps t'now Duck-Duck, ylimaf esolc evah t'nod Tits sugar, dnuora su gnirb ot mih deksa yeht, edis Crazy ruo wohs detrats ew ecno tub, ti detpecca ylimaf Assholes, Marine eht ni detsilne eh nehw tuo mih werht ylimaf Pussy's, meht neeb syawla evah it." I say as he looking at me as I speak and I speak slowly and I hope that he will understand it.

"I don't think I got all that but let me see if I can" Bear say and I sigh he is not making fun of me but he didn't understand this.

"You didn't know how to voice what you where feeling?" Bear ask and I nod to as he speak and I see that he laying on his side.

"Psycho dropped off the Grid, and, Duck-Duck is not speaking with his family, Pussy's threw him out when he enlisted" he say and I nod again he have got it so far.

"You lost me with Asshole and Cunt, I think you said that Sugar tits don't have Close family" He say and I take his phone and I write down what I said about Asshole and Cunt and he smile at me.

"I'm getting better understanding you, You have a lovely voice my little hummingbird" Bear say and he running his knuckles over my cheek and I lean in to his hand as he brushing his hand and I feel his hand on my neck and a gently pull and I'm allowing him to pull me to him and once I rolling over to my side as I'm facing him and he smile at me.

I feel him pull my body closer and even if I was really close already and he place a kiss on my lips, I have learned that Bear is very careful with what he do with me. There is a few times I have frozen when he have done something but he never do anything when I freeze he would wait me out until I unfreeze, I allow him to kissing me and I feel him pull me closer. I allow him kissing and he pull me slowly under him and I'm looking at him as he hover over me as he showering me with kisses, and I can't help but to start giggle and I feel him rubbing his nose at my neck and this have me giggle even more and I lift one of my hands to his neck, I sneak my hand up his neck to this hair and I feel his nose rubbing his ways up to my jaw line and then he attack my lips again and as he kissing my lips again and I enjoy it as he keep kissing me and deepening the kiss and I'm griping his hair as he kissing me and feel him freeze up and freeze at the same time, and I feel him lift his head and I let him go and I see him looking me in the eyes and I see a the spark in his eyes and a smirk on his lips.

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