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I'm looking at our new Hatchlinger and we start using hand sign's so we are getting him up to speed when it come to our speak, I know that Something is off with Bear, I ask Psycho but he don't answer me what is going on with Bear and why he is meeting with Papa and Creator, I know that Asswipe know what Bear is up to and I call Skyla to me as I head out to the forest, I feel my panic coming I need the Peace and quite, I need to get to my mind to shut the fuck up, Skyla is following me, I'm happy that Mama trained Skyla to look after us. Skyla is walking next to me with no leash, as We are walking into the forest and I know that a few people that walk this forest, I walk with Skyla next to me and I hear the sound of birds and I kneel down and raise my weapon, I love my hunting rifle. Mother allowed me to hunt when I could, it was the first thing I made sure I was allowed to do. I see the bird, and it's a bird I'm not allowed to shoot, I just follow the bird flying and I lower my weapon and I see Skyla looking at me and I smile as we keep walking, I know I could walk across this forest with no trouble, and back I enjoy this walk.

"Honey" I hear a women calling and I stop walking as I'm listening.

"Mama there is someone in the forest" I hear a child calling and I see Skyla standing with her tail wagging rapidly and I know she is happy to see who ever is on the other side.

"Any one there?" I hear a man Calling out and I know I need to call out back.

"YES SIR" I call out and I start walking to the voice and I come out in a backyard.

"SKYLA" I hear the Child call out and Is about to run when her mother Grab her.

"No honey don't run to a dog" She say and I see Skyla whine to me and she looking at me and I see her want to go.

"Nowd" I tell Skyla and she lay down, it's the word Down backwards, I'm happy that Skyla know this words.

"Her name is Skyla" I tell them and I see the Man smile.

"We know, She and her owner helped find our Daughter when she was lost, in the Forest" The man say and I give a whistle to Skyla meaning that she is allowed to walk up to the Girl.

"What are you doing in the forest?" I hear the older girl ask as I see Skyla acting like a big cat with the younger girl.

"Peace of mind, I love hunting, and I find my peace in the Forest" I tell the girl.

"Oh" The girl say and I see the man look at me.

"You know Tiny? I mean Skyla's Owner" he ask and I nod.

"Yes We are family" I tell them and I see the Younger girl smile at me as Skyla is now laying on the girl.

"Skyla Come on" I say and Skyla looking at me with a puppy eye and she want to stay.

"No Skyla, Come on, Time to go home" I tell her and she whine to me and I snap my finger Skyla is at my feet.

"Skyla's owner is okay with this?" I hear the Mother ask and I smile.

"Tiny is okay with this, Don't worry, But I need to get Skyla back to the house" I say and they are nodding.

"Honey say goodbye to Skyla" The man say and the young girl say goodbye to Skyla with hug and Skyla come to me and I wave to the family as I walk back into the forest.

Skyla and I are walking thru the forest, and I think about the introduction I got to the Dragons all those years ago, Bitch was the one who grabbed me by my collar and just dragged me away from the shooting ranch, and nobody did anything as I was dragged away, I remember the meeting she dragged me into, Creator and Papa was there.


I'm looking down on the women dragging me up the stairs, I don't know what I have done to get her attention and she drag me by my collar and She is hurry up the stairs and once we get to the third floor she drag me down the hallway, I know that this hallway is off-limits to any Marine that wasn't part of the Black Ops group, Everyone knew this, and I'm getting dragged down the hallway, and in to a room.

Voice-less, Not UselessWhere stories live. Discover now