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I'm standing in the shower, and I'm happy that I'm not hurt and that my brothers are not hurt too. I'm washing off the burning of the compound also the blood that I know was on me as we where eating, I know we should have go to shower before eating we because off the smell that was clinging to us but Chinese was something we couldn't say no to. I wash the smoke and blood off me and I don't know how Bear could even walk after me, specially after he saw the blood on my cloths and then to help me get my hair down, I always struggle with that when I'm stressed and tired I just want to sleep and I get out of the shower and I get dressed in my sleeping cloths as I walk out off my bathroom I see Bear laying on the bed reading and I smile at it and I open my door and I walk quickly out and I give a whistle and I see Fucker below and I drop them and I do the hand sign for bed see you in the morning, and I walk back in and I see Bear putting his book on his chest.

"You are tired?" he ask and I nod and he put the book away and open his arms to me and I crawl up in his arms.

"You want me to stay?" he whisper and I nod to him as he hold me and I'm hiding my face in his neck breathing in his scent.

"I will stay and you just close your eyes" he say and gently start rocking me and I'm falling soon asleep in his arms.

I miss my Brothers as I fall asleep, I don't know what Bear and I have but after mission like this when we fly off the handle so to speak, We have a snuggle night, All dragons would Crawl into bed and snuggle up, to sleep, everyone that was on the mission and sometime dragonlings that wasn't with us would join us in the Sleeping snuggle, it was just to make sure that we are okay, and that we are all safe. I'm breathing in the sent of wind and spice, I taking deep breath and I can smell the musky scent and I love it, I feel a arm over my waist and a arm under my neck and a hand that pressing my head down into a hard chest, I trying to move my body but I feel a body behind me I start to open my eyes and I blink a few times as I look up to see Bear holding me and next to him snuggle into Bears other Pussy is snuggle just as if he would to me, and I look down to see a arm around me I know that is Fuckers and I elbow him awake.

"What?" I hear Fucker growl and I trying to move.

"Asshole wake up" I hear Fucker growl out and he doing the elbow to him too.

"What, it's Bitch turn for breakfast" he say and I hear him snuggle close to Fucker.

"Yeah but she is trapped" Fucker say in a sleepy voice.

"Pussy" I hear Asshole growl low as he reach over Fucker and me and hit Bear square in the belly and I feel him react by removing his hand from my head and I hear him slap someone.

"Ow!" I hear Fucker say and I feel him lift his head from the pillow behind me.

"What the Fuck!?" I hear Bear growl and I know his awake and I open my eyes more now.

"Pussy wake up" I hear Fucker growl from behind me and reach over and I grab his nipple and twist it making Pussy yelp awake and pussy is looking at Bear, but I see him looking around the bed.

"Is it just me or is this strange?" Bear ask and I finally can sit up and I rubbing my eyes, so I can wake up.

"I did ask you if it was okay if I sleep here" Fucker say as he look at Bear and I'm looking at Fucker with a raised eyebrow.

"Had to ask wouldn't want him to shoot me if he woke up with me snuggle up to my sister" Fucker say and he kiss my hair as he sit up and I start to stretch.

"I did say it was okay for you to stay but I don't remember when the rest of them join us" Bear say and I see Pussy roll out of the bed and get up.

"rewohs ym ffo krej t'nod" I yell after him and I see him flip me off as he leave my room.

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