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I kiss DeAngelo before we are leaving for the Zoo, Zero is in the back of the truck and he is snuggle with Skyla and I see the look in his eyes, I see Cub is getting in and I Drive off, I know that Asswipe and Runt will be shadow us I know that this sound different but I'm use my brothers shadowing me and I give her a smile as I ask if she is okay with me driving, I will not be able to speak as I drive.

"Oh no trouble" Cub say and I nod as I drive against the Zoo.

I drive to the Zoo and Zero don't say much as I drive and Cub don't say anything as I drive and I'm driving to the Zoo and I really hope that Cub really know her ASL so I don't have to speak backwards, I know that Zero understand me. I'm coming to the Parking lot and I turn stop a few seconds to ask Cub if she is okay with walking a bit and she nod and she turn around ask Zero if he is okay with walking bit longer and he say he is okay with it.

"No trouble" Zero say as he petting Skyla and I park my car in the parking lot and I find a parking spot easy here, since people don't like walking and I park my Truck and I get the leash and put it on Skyla, and I let her out of the Car and I see Zero get out and he is grabbing my hand and I know that this is not the best.

"Zero better you take my hand, She need them to speak" Cub say and she hold out her hand to him and he take it Cubs hand and He start skipping, I smile at it.

"hgih uoy era ro ngiyalp era oreZ?" I ask him and I see him wink at me and telling me that he is playing with Cub, it's one of the test He would do.

"Okay you can skip but don't pull on my arm" Cub say and We walk up to the cashier and I give Cub the money to pay for us and I see her looking at me I sign for her to pay for us and I hope that would cover for Zero, Skyla and me.

"Zero, I will need that hand for a few second, you can hold on to here" Cub say as she link his finger in a lop of her jeans, and he gently tug at it like a child and he nod.

"Good day sir, Three adult and one dog" Cub say and I see Zero pulling on her hip.

"Is it a service dog?" The Young girl ask and I tap Cub on her shoulder to sign.

"Yes, My friend here is hard at hearing and My other friend have Anxiety and another mental disorder, The dog will alert me if something is wrong with them, Aaron please give me a second, you will have my hand back as soon as we are thru here" Cub say and I smile at it since Zero have starting pulling harder and harder, so she start to swinging her hip.

"Okay, then the dog is allowed" the girl say and I see Cub pay and we are allowed into the Zoo and Cub take Zero's hand again and We are walking in to the zoo.

"What do you want to see?" Cub ask and I smile at it.

"Snakes" Zero say and we are walking.

"We will get to the snakes but not right now, We are walking up there" She say and I smile as We are start walking.

I turning half around to see if I can see my brothers they know if I see them at anytime, They are getting work out of their life, I don't see them, and I'm happy and Zero grab my hand and pull me over to one of the Red pandas cage and I smile at this, Zero will play a Child for the day even if I know he is not like normally but Cub don't know it and We are walking pass a couple of animals and Zero is pointing out them and any animal that have a venom Cousin he would tell Cub about them and I see Cub turn to look at me.

"You are okay?" She ask and I give the sign that I'm fine, and we are walking up to the spiders and I see her freeze up and I can tell she don't like them.

"Aaron please, Stay close" she say and I get that she don't like our nickname, and she calling him Aaron.

"Pet, They allow to pet" Zero start to calling out and he start to pulling Cub with him to the Spiders and I see it's the venomous spider and one of the biggest.

Voice-less, Not UselessWhere stories live. Discover now