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I'm enjoying to be of use again, I wheeling myself around and yelling at the Eggs, Blood egg and Hatchlinger are the only one that have understood the meaning following orders to the letter, if we say sit and if we say jump we mean jump, I see Runt coming into the meeting hall and shake his head.

"Fucking Dumbass" I growl and I send the text that all of us have been sending him during this week.

"Fucker called" I hear Jaws ask and we turn to him.

"What did that Crazy ass want" I ask and I see Jaws smirk.

"Prank war" he say and that make every dragon stop.

"Prank war?" I hear Numbnutts ask and I see Jaws nod.

"Joe is going to kill us" I tell them and I see Dopey look at me with a smirk and I see each of the Dragonlinger smirking and they are really willing to play.

"Peach get Joe, Skip and Buzz" I tell them and I see Peach take off running to find them. I hope that they will accept it.

"Peach this is our time off" I hear Buzz growl and I see Peach pushing them inside of the Dragon's room.

"We know" I tell him and he turn to me and I see them looking around at us and they see the look on our face.

"What are you cooking up now?" Skip say as he is looking at us and I see him around the room.

"Prank war" I say and I see Joe freeze as I speak and I see him look at me.

"NO, JUST NO" I hear Buzz scream he know how bad a prank war will get between dragons, and I take a deep breath, how to explain it and get them to agree to this.

"Against the Eggs" Flex say and I see them looking at us.

"Wait you are planning on pranking the Eggs?" Buzz say and We smirk at him and wiggle our eyebrow.

"And We are allowed to fuck them up for your Pranks?" Skip ask and I nod so do the others Dragonlingers.

"Fucker was the one who said it" Jaws say and I see him turn to Jaws.

"Of course, I still have the scars from the last prank war that those fuckers started" Joe say and he look at us.

"You are not pranking any officers?" Buzz ask and We all shake our head and I see them look at one and other.

"Well we may use the Smokey bear like the Dragons did once" I hear Asswipe say and I'm glaring at him because that something we are not allowed to do.

"Well that smoking they got after that was fun, Buzz, remember?" I hear Skip say and I see him smirk.

"If you can prank them without getting caught, You are allowed to start a prank war, but the second one of you get caught, They are allowed to prank you" Joe say and I nod so do every dragon in the room.

"Okay Rules for the Prank war is simple Don't get caught, NO weapon fuck around, No Fuck around with Meals time" Skip say and I see him look at us and we nod.

"Okay Have fun" Joe say and I see him walk way and We look at each other and I see my brothers smirk.

"So are we starting the prank war?" I hear Numbnutts ask, and I smirk.

"Sure, Don't get caught and start small" I tell them and I turn to look at Goose who are packing his bag.

"Are you going on the home Nest?" I ask and he nod.

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