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I'm looking at Fucker, I know that I can't be part of the Training not with my Pregnancy, but I can be used as Bait, or a rescue mission, I'm watching the Eggs training, I'm watching the Map as they are training and I know that We can do a fake dragon napping, I know that we can't use to many of the dragons to make this happen but we can make it with Trip wires and I grab Runt and the others as we are walking and I see Fucker come with me as I'm looking at them.

"What is wrong Mama?" I hear one of them say and I look at My brothers.

"Napping" I tell them and I see Fucker looking at me.

"What do you mean?" Fucker say and I point at me.

"Your Flame will kill us" Pussy growl and I glare at them and I turn to Dragon sign-language.

'No if we are doing this carefully, We Use some Dragonlingers as guards, just a few, then we Rig the abandon house, You guys are wait me, Fucker you have a eye on me with Phoenix, if anything is wrong you will call it off, But Tight lips will leave me last, he will leave when Cunt sent the Code that someone are looking and have left' I sign to them and I see my brother looking at me.

"Well that can work, We fake if we fake it" Asshole say and I nod to him.

"Well, work, and we don't speak about it, Let's pull every dragon and Dragonlinger" Pussy say and I see them looking at me and I get nods from all of them-

We are gathering in the map room and We bring Cunt and Sharman in on their part of this game and I see Cunt nod as I'm telling him what I want to do, I'm watching as they are making the plan and Tight lips agree to have his place in this plane and I see Fucker stare at me and I know that he is worried about how I will deal with it.

"Runt will not be able to carry you" Fucker say and I nod as I write down.

"Yeah Duck-Duck should be able to carry you, but we have to make it believable that Mama is danger then he can carry her because of the honor and mama being pregnant" Runt say and I smirk as we are all on the plan.

We are moving to the armory to get what we need and I make sure that we are getting more than we would need, We are getting to the Abandond house that we are planning to keep me, I make sure that we get a good Chair for me and I know that I will be forced to sit in it for sometime so that's why I want a good Chair.

"We need to rig it with a pressure plate, Or Younglinger will know that we are fake it" *Fucker say and I turn to him.

"He is trained both with civilian and Military demolish, and explosive" Pussy say and I nod to him and They are pulling the Line and they are making a Dragon demo on this house, and I hope that Our Younglinger will be as good as My brothers tells me about him.

I'm helping as much as I can but They are forcing me to sit at the most time and I see them doing the most of the time and I see my brothers Check their watch at the same time and I see Runt give me a stop watch and I know what to do with it.

"Lunch is coming up, we are all getting there, Tight lips, you are to stay with her until Cunt send the signal to you that they are on their way" Fucker say and I see Runt look at me.

"Are you sure about this?" he ask and I nod to him.

"Yes, Pass this" I say and swallow hard since I can't focus on the words.

"Exam" I say and I know that my brothers understand me and they smirk.

"Relax sister I don't want you Man on my ass we all know that he will be piss off if he find out what we are doing" Runt say and I'm looking at them as they are getting the room ready.

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