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I'm feeling Bear pull me closer and I feel him snuggle into my neck and I see the others smile when the phone is ringing and I see the number and I know that this is from Viking and I see Runt take the phone and I'm nod to him and I want that on recording. I hear my brothers on the other end and I hear him speak as fast as he can and I hear someone yell behind him and once he finish he speaking he hang up and We are looking at one and other and then we start to laughing like crazy loons, I can really roll around the ground as Runt and Sherman is doing, We all know that They took Viking for a long run and with the drinks that I gave him he will have a headache. I'm looking at Bear that is sleeping and I turn to Sherman and I know I need to learn Bears real name.

"Sherman can you go on teaching mode for me?" I ask and I see him stop laughing and he nod.

"Sure Runt will help too, What do you need?" Sherman say and I take the notepad because I can't say the name.

I want to learn to say Bear's Real name, but I can't the word get stuck in my mouth, I really want to be able to speak it it's DeAngelo, but I can't even begin saying it.

I hand him the note and I see them look at the note and they are smiling at me, and I see them nod to me as we are getting down from our laughing fit, Runt is stamping out the fire to make sure that the fire don't spread. I'm smiling as I trying to get up but I can't and I turn to Runt that gently are helping me get loss from Bear and I see Sherman is smirking and he wheel himself inside and Runt is watching me as I'm getting Bear up on his legs but he is sleeping and I'm looking at Runt and I give him the look that telling him to help me, He come up to me and grip on Bear and we are walking inside off the house and he help me to get Bear up the stairs and I know I will have to play back the recording of what We were waiting on. I'm getting him in bed with Runt's help and once Bear is laying in the bed I wave him off and I have dealt with my Brothers drinking themselves to the point of pass out, and I would have to deal with getting them out of their cloths, and I start undress my Ember and I'm getting him out of his cloths and The habit that my drill instructor drilled in my head, I'm placing the cloths as I was taught and once I'm doing with undressing him, I'm strip out of my cloths and I crawl into bed and I feel a arm grip me and then pull my body close to his, I'm closing my eyes and fall to sleep.

I wake up to the sound of the soft knock on the door, I know it's Runt, because Sherman is sleeping in the downstairs guestroom, I see the time on the clock it's still early but I know that Runt and Sherman want to do something, So I start slowly start to get out of Bears arms I know that he hold pretty hard on me when he sleep and I get out of his arms, and I place a pillow there with the word stitched on it, that I have left to take Skyla out, If I'm not in the Kitchen I'm at the Garage. I place a kiss on his cheek and I get dressed and I take my phone and I leave the room and I see Runt is standing there.

"We better head to the Garage, I got a bad feeling about this day" Runt say and I nod I have it too, now that I'm up, something is about to go to shit.

"Me too, Get the Cards from the Safe, Then get handgun, Some of the Flash too, and Get one assault rifle and sniper rifle, Put Sherman on the roof, he know what to look for" I tell him and he nod as he take off and I walk over to the Harness that Creator gave me in a box it's Skyla's Harness, that mark her as Military Dog and trained to kill I whistle to call Skyla and She stand in-front of me and I place the Harness on her and I make sure that the Words are seen by everyone.

I'm looking up at Sherman coming and he nod as wheel out to the Car and I see Runt come up with the Weapon and We are moving out of the house and I hope that Runt's feeling is wrong but Runt and I have the same gut feeling meaning we will have something happen and We are getting down to the Garage, Once we get there something is wrong, I unhook Skyla and I give a command for her to get into work mode, this have taking a lot of work but I have worked with Dogs since I finished basic training, Skyla was hardest dog I had to train but, she is doing go. We are looking at one and other and I see Sherman nod, he will take sniper-rifle from Runt and Runt give me one of the smaller assault rifle, I feel him place a hand on my shoulder, We don't see what's wrong but something feels wrong, and we start to walk around the yard and we are searching the hole Yard before we are getting closer to the Garage and we start searching the working space and nothing, Runt is holding his hand on my shoulder and we are moving thru the hole Garage and once we get to the locker room I tap Runt's hand, telling him we are switch our place but he do the tap telling me that I'm too small to cover his back, I forgot that Runt is not use with someone cover his side, I'm to use to Fucker and the others, I tap the okay signal and We walk into the locker-room and when we open the door I can hear the shower going, No one should use that shower here, not at this time it's to early, I know that the door have been locked, We are checking each corner of the room before we are moving against the shower that's when I see the cloths, and I see the cloths belong to a man, and I tap Runt's arm and he look at it and I step back making sure that I'm not going to walk into a man. I see Runt walk alone and I take my place making sure that I will get to him as soon as he give a sound of trouble.

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