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I'm sitting on my bed at the Training nest and I feel my anger is simmering in my blood, Mama is pregnant, and we can't fucking remind him what will happen if he fuck up with Mama, and I wish to fuck him up, I know that my brothers are keeping away from me, because they know that I'm piss off and I see my Brother take a seat on the bed in-front of me, and I'm looking at him.

"Asswipe talk to me" Numbnutts say and I look at him.

"Brother come on" Numbnutts say and I get up and walk out of the barrack.

I know that Dragons are nod on edge they know when a dragon go Quit, We are as deadliest, We live for chaos, and I'm walking around and I see the Hatchlinger take one look at me and he take three step backwards and Kneel, Zero looking at him and turn around to see me and I see Zero come walk straight up to me.

"Hey fuckface" Zero say and that's the wrong say to say to me because I turn around and I swing straight in his face, and I hear the alarm go off.

Zero is a good fighter but I'm piss off, and we are fighting, and we are both drawing blood from each other, Zero is know what he was doing because he is protecting himself as good as he can and I don't see my brothers as I'm fighting but then I feel the taser, and I go down. But the second It stop I'm up trying to attack again, and they keep hitting the taser over and over again.

"Stand down" I hear Joe's voice and I growling at him, I don't want to stay down, I want to fight, I want to get my anger out and fighting is the best way and safest way for me to get my anger out.

"Asswipe stand down" I hear Cody say and I feel my body is hurting from the taser.

"Okay what seat him off" I hear Gunnery Sergeant Marcuse Anderson say and I laying on the ground I feel my anger is slowly leaving my body.

"Mama Dragon is pregnant" I hear Cunt say and I lift my head to look at him.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" Cody asks and I see Cunt smirk.

"Fucker, Pussy and Asshole, forfeited their claim" Cunt say and I sit up looking at him.

"WHAT?" Every dragon calls out and I see Cunt smirk.

"I'm going back tomorrow, to fuck him up more, gave him what Fucker asked for, now Dragonlinger what seat you off" Cunt ask and I'm looking at him.

"Mama will get hurt" I growl at him and I see them look at me.

"Fuck, as a Dragonlinger you can't do shit" Cunt say and I see him look at me.

"I know" I growl at him as I see them looking at me as I sink down.

"You accept that he is her Flame?" Cunt ask and I nod to him.

"But why are you fighting him" Sherman ask and I turn to him as I take a deep breath.

"Because that's what my Mother. She would do anything to protect us, shouldn't we do the same?" I ask them and I see Sherman place a hand on me.

"Asswipe you need to accept him, Trust me all of us thinking as you, but Mother need to be happy" Sherman tells me and I nod.

"You know that Mama will need us, She is pregnant" Sherman say and I look at him as I'm still on the ground.

"Lets see how the Egg's handle the taser" Sherman say and I see Sherman hold out the baton that me and I smile at him.

"That sound fun" I tell him and I see my brother hold out his hand and I grip it and he pull me up.

I feel my brother pull me in to his body and I feel him hold me close and I know that my brother is showing me what Mama would have and I place a hand on my brothers shoulder.

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