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I'm looking at the Foundation of the home, The Contractor was the same that build the first Dragon nest, and they know us well Chad is even here to help so is Dawson, Everyone Marine I ever had known thru my time is here working. This Company that building my home only employ Marine's that have got out of circulation, We are still Marine's and we are still brothers, and we are looking after one and other, I'm holding the little Teddy, these men do not make fun off my Speech problem or the teddy I carry, since they found out that I was given a Puppy by my blood brother, and They have all seen my brother from a far never close up. They all know that we had something to do with the fire but they never said anything to anyone.

"So Happy with the Foundation, and the size?" I hear the Gunny say he is one calling the shoot on the build, and I nod to him.

"Anything I need to know?" he ask and I nod as I pull out a note and give it to him.

"A gun Range really? Okay I know you guys. I know about the Kitchen, The Game room, The Garage and the library, we need at least five bedrooms" he say and I shake my head on the last one.

"How many bedrooms?" he ask and I think about it One for Fucker, One for Pussy, one for Asshole, One for Viking, One for Tools, one for me, and two guess rooms and I hold up eight fingers.

"Eight?" he ask and I point at my brothers and then I do the sign for Viking and Tools, Fucker know this sign.

"And two guess rooms?" Fucker ask and I nod and he shake his head.

"Six guess rooms sister, we may have a party here, and they will need a room to stay" Fucker say and I nod and he nod.

"So Twelve bedrooms, eight with full bathrooms, a shower in the garage and one in basement" he say and I see him look and I see him write it down.

"Okay, We are getting it done soon" He say and I nod and I give him another note to him.

"Okay, you really want to have a walk-in-closet?" He ask me and I nod as I stamp the ground and he know what I mean, I want to be able to hide shit in the floor and wall's also I need a place where Skyla can crawl into when she want her quite time.

"Okay the walls are the same as the First Dragon nest, the same layout?" he ask and I sort of shake my head and he know I want my room away from my brothers and he nod, this time he make the house as We wish not as Cody want it to look like.

"Okay like you first told me about First nest okay" he say and He working on his notes to make sure that we are getting the house right.

"Okay you like the morning sun or the evening sun nowhere in between, you want the view of the town or the forest?" he ask me and I turn to look around and then I point against the forest and he nod.

The hole day he is asking question as we are walking around the land that Viking just gave me, and I make sure that he get the garden in this too, I know that I need to keep busy and I have sort of green fingers, I don't like doing it. I'm looking at my brothers In-arms are working on the foundation and I know that we are going to work hard here and that's when we hear the bikes coming and I turn to see Viking, Tools, Knuckles and Wiz coming and I see them take off their helmets and Viking looks worried at the men that are around.

"Hey sis" he call out and he walk over to me and he give me a hug.

"Just wanted to see if you guys was going to join us for Lunch" Viking ask and I give a sign to the Gunny and he come up to me.

"So this is one of the two?" he ask and I point at my brother and do the sign for him and then at Tools and his sign and I see him nod.

"You two walk with me" he say and I see Knuckles take a step to walk with them when I place a hand on his chest.

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