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I'm looking at my brothers and I see Viking helping me get the beer and We are getting it loaded up on the truck and We have managed to get Wine first and Then we getting the Beer and I see Viking help me picking up the beer. We are getting back home and Pussy is half cleaning the house.

"PUSSY DO YOU WANT A SIZE 7 UP YOUR ASS?" I call out and I see him come backside.

"No I don't want that, but hell I just need to get every out of the way and then we can clean" He say and I nod as We place the Beer in the Garage and then we start cleaning.

Viking is helping us by changing the water as we are cleaning and we make sure that the house is clean, Tiny's room is clean even our room is clean, and Kitchen and even the Grass Is comb thru, this is something we were taught long ago and we keep doing this, I frown as I'm checking my phone, Tiny haven't yet send a text and I turn to look at Asshole.

"Have Tiny text you?" I ask and they all shake their head and I'm looking at clock.

"Give her until the night, you know how she get when she is shopping food" I hear Pussy say and I nod as I see Viking leave as we start to put the backyard ready.

But I feel something is wrong because Tiny would make sure we knew where she is, I have the text that tells me where she was shopping for food and I'm take a deep breath and I hope I'm wrong and I take the Keys and throw them to Pussy.

"Take the truck and check out, that Tiny is shopping" I tell him and he nod as he leave.

"You think something is wrong?" Asshole ask and I nod, as We are checking over the house.

"Yeah, I have got a bad feeling from that Biker that went with her" I tell him and I see Pussy drive off.

"Shall we take it to the Club house?" Asshole ask and I shake my head because I know that we need to know that she is missing before start barking orders around.

We start to getting the Beer and Wine on ice to make sure that it's will be cold to drink, it's one of the few things that we hate and that's warm beer, We are having everything ready and we only missing the meat and side dish for it and We hear the Truck coming and I can tell by the way he is driving it, something is wrong and I hear the door slam open and I see Pussy come running in.

"What?" I start when Pussy throw something at me, and it's Tiny's Dog-tags, Shit this is bad.

"I'm going to Kill them" Asshole Growl and we are all out of the house and we don't even think about take the Truck we are running for it will make it faster even if we are going to be tired as we are coming up to the Club house.

Tiny left around 800 hours, this morning and Now It's 1600 hours and we are running to get to the Club house and all I can think is that That fucking biker did something to my sister and When we get to the Club house we can hear the people laughing and joking around I don't kick the door that's Tiny's think I ram my hold side into the door and As I do that the hole room go quite and I find Bear, Viking and Tools they are the three people that Tiny are close to and I signal to Pussy and Asshole and We move as one and At the same time we grab one of the Three biker and we slam them up against the wall, and we are doing this as a team and the room become quite.

"WHERE THE FUCK IS SHE" I Snarl in his face and I hear the others growling the same word to the three others.

"Hey let them go" I hear someone yell and I don't give a flying fuck.

"I ASK AGAIN WHERE THE FUCK IS SHE?" I growl and I feel Bear trying to get out of my grip.

"STAND DOWN" I hear someone call out and I know that is a command from a officer and we don't stand down but I let up on the grip in around bear's neck.

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