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I'm carrying Tiny out to the truck, I don't give a fuck what anyone think, They had use my little butterfly as a human battering ram to destroy one of the worst door in the Club house, that would have only need a push to break, I place her in the passenger seat and I get around to the Truck and I get in the driver seat and I drive over to Tools home, I don't give a fuck what anyone think as I drive off, I know that we shouldn't ride lone, but I know that Tiny can take care of herself better then most, from what my Dad tells me and I park the trunk in the drive way and As I do I see that Tiny is open the door.

"Don't you fucking dare jump out" I growl at her and she look at me and she look piss off at me as if I have no right to yell at her.

"you shouldn't be walking before we have check your knee over I would have take you to ER, but I don't think you want to and our Doctor that we use" I start when he take her phone and I see her typing on it.

"What are you doing?" I ask and she hold out the phone to me and it's ringing.

"Yes" I answer the phone and I hope that it's someone that I can talk to.

"Doc Here, Why did Bitch tell me to Come to Tools?" I hear the men on the phone ask and I take a deep breath I'm happy that it's someone that know Tiny.

"Because her brothers used her as a battering ram, and she is limping and I want someone to check her over" I tell him and I hope that he will come soon.

"I will be there with in Five min, Get her in the sofa and get her pants rolled up or get them off her" Doc say and I get out of the truck and I walk over to Tiny's side and I lift her up, I know that she isn't happy with me about this but I'm worried about her.

"Little Butterfly, you could be hurt" I tell her as I carry her up to the door and I unluck the door and I see her look less piss off.

"Well you wouldn't tell me your name, when we meet at Jackson's so I started calling you hummingbird, and Butterfly is the nickname I gave the Girl that hung around my dad, and I didn't put it together that you were the same girl, until you walked into walk into the Club house dressed as you meet me at Jackson's. it wasn't until then I wasn't sure what I should do" I tell her as I'm carry her into the house, and I kick my shoes off and I carry her over to the sofa and then I gently place her on the sofa and I start to unlace her boots.

This is the first time I really take a realize that she is wearing some type of combat boots, or if they are hiking boots, I find the lacing on her boots strange but I unlace them with out trying to destroy the lacing and I almost jump when a knife fall out of her boots and I place it on the table and I see her glare at me, as I'm getting up and walk out of the living-room to place her boots at the door and I take the way by the kitchen to grab a few beers and I come back to see her glaring at me.

"Your friend wanted to be able to see your knees" I start when the I hear someone come in the front door and I turn around to see the man that Called her Bastard, and I see him walk over to my girl.

"Hey Bitch, hear that Fucker used you as a battering ram again, Lets see how bad you guys fucked up your leg this time" He say and I see him grab a Blanket and throw at her.

"you know the drill, Fucker will strangle me if I don't cover you up" he say and I see her cover her waist and I see her move her hands as if she is unbuckle her jeans and I see the guy walk over to her and he grab her pants legs, and I see him pull her jeans off and I'm growling low at his, he undress her and I see her glare even harder at him.

"What did you break this time?" he say and I see him looking at Tiny and I see her roll her eyes and raise her eyebrow and I see him looking at her and sigh.

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