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I'm gripping on to Bear's Hair and shoulders as if he is the only thing in the world that can keep me alive, but as I'm allow myself to feel his body and his mouth, the sound around us vanish, I don't hear anything what my brothers or what happen around us. I'm feel myself pressing my body closer to him as he keep kissing me, I feeling my body heat up, as I'm keeping clinging to him and I feel his hand in my hair and I feel him get my hair free and I want more I want to touch more, I was to feel more and that's when I get the grip on shirt and I pull and I hear the muffle sound of buttons that is falling on to the floor, and I start tugging it down his arms and I feel his hot skin under my hand, I'm feeling a wall behind my back again and I feel how he push my t-shirt up and he is doing it at the same time as I'm trying to get his shirt off him and I feel him remove his hand from my body and I open my eyes to look in his dark eyes, I'm see him throw the shirt away from us and he is looking a straight in my eyes and he go back to kissing my lips, and he start kissing his way down my neck and I can't help but to moan at this attention and he is forcing my t-shirt up over my body and I have to let go of his shoulder and hair as he strip me of my t-shirt. I feel him move his hand down my waist as he throw the T-shirt away from us and I'm allow him to keep kissing, licking and sucking on my skin, he have moved his mouth from my lips down my neck and I need more. I feel his hands on my waist.

"Fuck" I hear Bear growl as I feel a him trying to get to my boots.

"baby" I hear him sigh as I feel him grip my leg and I feel him pull it forward and I unhook my legs and I feel him lower me down against the floor, but he don't stop kissing my.

"Boots off" I hear him growl against my skin and I know they are not easy to get off not when you are not used to take them off, I place my boot against the wall and I take one off my hands off his body and I grip the shoelace and pull it open and I do the same with my other foot and I kick them off.

I'm still clinging to him and I feel him lift me up again and I feel him laying me down on the bed as he keep kissing me. I'm trying to touch him as much as I can, but he caught my hands and he hold them together above my head and I feel his kissing and his licking, everything just stop and I'm open my eyes and I'm looking at him, I don't know what happen for everything stopped, I didn't want him to stop, I'm looking up in to Bears face and I see him looks like he is in pain, I don't know what I did wrong.

"Bear?" I ask in a whisper and I hope that he hear me.

"Give me a second" I hear him say and I'm trying to steady my breathing.

"Love you are doing nothing wrong" Bear say and his voice sound darker and I see him open his eyes and he is looking me straight in my eyes and I feel his lips on my skin again.

"You are so beautiful" I hear him whisper between the butterfly kisses he start placing on my neck and down to my shoulder, it become sweeter and slower than it was before and I feel more unsure now.

"easy love" I hear him whisper as he let go of my wrists, and his hand go to my hair and he roll over so I'm on top of him and he pull my at my knees so that I'm straddle him, and he move my hair to one side. He do this quickly and I don't know why he do this and he is just looking at me as I'm sitting there and he place my hands on his chest, and he lift up his upper body to so he is now sitting up with me straddle his lap and I feel my body start freezing up.

"I" I whisper as I'm trying to speak but he place his lips on mine and he start kissing me again and it's a soft kiss and it's has this fire again and I slowly start run my hand over his chest.

"tell me to stop" I hear him whisper in my ear and I frown why are he asking me to tell him to stop, for I don't want him to.

"love, I want you" I hear Bear say in a growling voice and I'm feeling the heat return to my body, I'm running my hands over his body and I feel him flip us over again.

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