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I'm sitting in the kitchen, looking at my daughter and my little buddy cooking dinner and I manage to sneak in and sit down at kitchen island and I get my beer from Sherman and I smile that them.

"How did you get your nickname?" Katherina ask and Sherman as he is giving her a glass of wine.

"Bitch over there fought with me and said I was build like a tank" Sherman say as he give her the glass.

"So you got the nickname Tank?" Kat ask and I'm looking at her as Sherman shake his head.

"No, I got the name Sherman the Tank, so Sherman for short" Sherman say and My daughter nod and I nod too I never got the story how they have got their nicknames.

"What about you?" I say as I turn to Runt.

"Well my nickname, never came from training it came during a mission, and Me crawling thru a duck, I was called a duct rat, by my team, but Ma over there said that I'm the Runt of the litter, and that's when I got my nickname, I was called dragonling or Kid" Runt say and my daughter is smiling at this.

"Why do you call her Ma and not her nickname" My daughter ask and I have question it too, because Runt is the only one that call her Ma or mama, never Her nickname the others switch between the nicknames.

"You don't have to answer" My daughter say as she see the look on Runt's face he look almost hurt as he try to speak.

"No it's just that Ma did something did" Runt say and I see Tiny turn to him and she pull Runt to her shoulder and she hold him there I can tell his shoulders are shaking.

"Runt lost most of his family as a young man, he was raised in the system, he never had a family until he became a Dragon, Runt don't see Bitch as his leader alone, he see her as His Mother, Runt would turn to her even if he is Cunt's Dragonlinger, but he was handpicked by Bitch, He trust her with everything in his life" Sherman say as I see Runt lift his head as Tiny whip tears off his face.

"Oh I didn't" Kat start and I see him smile at her.

"don't worry, We all have our Scars, I love Alaska, and the family's I grew up with, but Dragons are my true family, Ma was the one that picked me to join the Dragons, I may not be her Dragonlinger but she was the one that took me in and trained me Cunt took me up from her, said she had Psycho and A" Runt start and get a hit in the back of his head.

"We have Lady's in the room" Sherman say and I look at them.

"Sorry, Sherman, Ma, Cub" He say and I frown at this.

"wait you don't use Nutts name, if there is a lady around?" I ask and I se them turn around as they are looking at me.

"No we don't We may have the filthiest mind, but we have the highest morale and the lowest morals, but We do respect any women, They are the Ember of Our Hearts and they are the one that keep our Hope and heart, Everything we hold dear and we know not to bring blood or foul language to them, They are clean and they are the Queens of our life" Runt say and I see them start getting the plates out.

"Let me take that" I say and I see them look at me and they are nodding.

"Thank you Wolf" Sherman say and I see my Daughter take the glasses and she walk after me.

"Dad, I think I don't I want them to call me Kat" Kat say and I see the tears in her eyes.

"Honey?" I ask and I give her a hug and she is looking at me.

"I thought they used it to not learn my name" Kat say and I smile at her.

"We don't use our Real name, for two reason, one it's a honor to have a Dragon name, Second If no one know your name, they can't hurt family if they don't have names" I hear Sherman say as he place the more plates.

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