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The day started good, We head up to the Range with Wolf and the Dragons and They gave us some tips on how to aim and I see that we are not good shooters but With the words from the dragons, We after we are done with the Range I see the Dragon leave and I turn to see Flex stand next to me.

"What's going on?" I ask him and he smile.

"Well we are doing what ever we want but I think I manage to get Fire fly to talk him in to cooking his Curry" Flex say and I looking at him.

"You think that he will accept that the Club coming too?" I ask and he smile.

"We always cook to much so You can come around if you want to" Flex say and I smile at him.

"Okay" I tell him I see that Asswipe is walking on and off, I can tell his piss off and I look at my brothers and they are leaving and I make my mind to walk over to him, I see that Flex is leaving too.

"Hey" I say as I come up to Asswipe and I know that Bear left with Numbnutts and I know something is off but I hope that he will talk to me.

"Leave me alone" Asswipe growl and I hear him growl at me and I can tell his piss off.

"No you are a brother" I tell him and he look at me.

"I just talked to Ember of Mama and Numbnutts told me I couldn't hurt him" Asswipe say as he keep walking.

"Talk to me" I ask him and I see him look at me and I can tell his piss off.

"Fine, It's about Ember and Mama" he say and I see him look at me.

"Do you need to work that anger out?" I ask and he look at me.

"You are willing to stand against a Dragonlinger that is angry?" He ask looking at me and I smile at him.

"I know that Tiny is pretty strong and she fight like a devil, I know that, but I rather you work it out on someone that can take the pain than you exploding when you can't hold it in" I tell him and he looking at me and he nod.

"Yeah you are right, Can you take me to the Training nest, I shouldn't drive right now" Asswipe say and I nod.

"Shovelhead, get my Bike to the Club house, I'm heading up to the training nest with Asswipe" I tell him and I see my brother nod and I throw my keys to him, and I'm getting in Asswipe car.

He get in the Car and I get in the driver seat and I drive to the Training nest, as I driving I see that that his leg start to jump and I'm worried about that.

"Asswipe?" I ask and I hear him take a deep breath and I see his leg stop jumping and I can tell his trying to keep calm.

"I'm fine, just need to get anger out, We call it Roar with fire Dragon, it basically telling everyone that You are piss off and Need to deal with it, and We never go one on one" He say and I see him looking at me as I'm about to park outside the Gate.

"Drive up and show your Dragon tag" Asswipe say and I do as he say and I do as he say and I see him take a look in the car.

"Heading where?" I hear the military man ask.

"Fighting Ring, Can you call a few Dragonlinger there" Asswipe say and I see the man nod.

"Sure I will put out the Call for Dragon fire" he say and he open the gate for us and he tells me where to park. I drive the parking lot and before I could even park the Door where Asswipe is sitting is open and Three Dragonlinger pull Asswipe out of the car and I get out and I'm about to stop them.

"No don't Roar With fire dragon, you don't want to step in between them" I hear someone that is grab me and I see them start to fight.

"You want to see your brother?" he ask and that's when I remember that Viking is here.

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