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We are hanging around the base, waiting for shit to do when I hear Sarge calling for us and We take off running for him, Everyone know there is only One person we listen to unless we are getting a mission, Then we will listen to them but telling us to cut the shit off that we are doing NO. We are getting to the place where the Sea Dragons are hanging out and I frown when I see a laptop open.

"Got the Live feed" Sarge say as he point at the laptop.

"Can you get it on big scream?" Fucker ask and I see him look at Sarge.

"Sure They are about to start packing" Sarge say as he lead to us to a room that have air condition, and it's cold.

"I managed to Score some Beer" one of the Sea Dragons say as he place the beer on the table.

"Thank you" I say as I turn my head to the Screen where I see the hanger, that Our Brothers line up.

We are watching as Sherman is yelling order and I see that Snuggle-puff is the first to move, and he go for Bitch and I smirk at this, We almost beat it in his head Dragons better than Dragonlinger after that you go for top Dragon, Asswipe should have been a Dragon if he wasn't tested with Field score. We are watching as they are getting taught or re-taught how to pack a parashoot, I see that Hatchlinger do whatever Bitch say and I see how Blood egg is struggle and I smirk at this.

"Blood is not going to make it" I call it and I see them turning at me.

"You think he going to wash out?" Pussy say and I shake my head.

"He is ringing the bell after this" I call out and Everyone start to call out what they think is going on and We are calling the bets out.

We are watching as they are leaving and Hatchling ask for something we don't hear it, but we see Bitch answer, that he is allowed to blindfold Blood egg but only during Load up, we smirk this means that Blood egg won't know what going on until it too late. We see the Others look around.

"So, what new?" I ask as I'm looking at Sarge.

"Not much" Sarge say as he get up talk to someone before he come back and sit down.

"Haven't got a chance to speak to Mother but from what I can see in the video she seem happy" Sarge say and I take a deep breath as I hear it.

"As long as He understand who Bitch is then I'm all for it" I tell them and they turn to me.

"Come on brothers, you all know that Bitch have been alone and she have keep her thoughts and her feeling hidden from us" I tell them and I see Fucker put his head in his hands as if he feel ashamed.

"I know that she is good at hiding herself, but Fuck I tried my best to make sure that she never felt like she didn't belong" Fucker say and I see that Pussy place a hand on Fuckers back.

"I really fucking hate that she wasn't deployed with us" Fucker growl and I reach over and place my hand on Fuckers back, I can't do what Bitch would do, I see that Sarge get up from his place and I see him walk slowly around the table and he pull Fucker to his feet and he hug Fucker.

"I'm not Your mother or father but I'm a brother to you Dragons, Your Mother took us in as a cousin or a Sibling see it the way you want but you are family" Sarge say as he gently pull Fucker way from a hug, and I'm watching Sarge take the stand as a Leader and Brother and Sarge make sure that Fucker understand that Sarge is there for us.

"Thank you Sarge for being there for us" Pussy say and I see Sarge look over at us.

"Mother may not have joined you here, but She is with you no matter what" Sarge say as the knock on the door.

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