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I'm looking at my brothers as I close the laptop and Pussy have turned over to sleep and Asshole is looking at me and he know what I'm thinking.

"Did you think he asked her?" Asshole ask and I shake my head.

"If he truly ask the question, Tiny would have known we had given our blessing, he most have just held out the ring" I tell him and I see him look at me.

"You know that Cunt did fix the house" Asshole say and I grab laptop again and I log in to the house network and I find the camera and I watch what he did and I feel asshole standing next to me and he watching it too.

"He is so fucking stupide" I hear Asshole Growl and I agree with him for this.

"You think he would know her better at this point" I say and I close the laptop and I see Asshole look at me.

"You saw the Dragons in the forest right?" Asshole say and I nod.

"You think she said yes?" Asshole ask me and I give him a look.

"She did, You forgot what we just Checked, she said yes after we hung up" I tell him and I see Pussy sleeping and I'm get my jacket.

"I'm going to see if Sarge is up" I tell him and I walk out of the Hut.

I walk quickly to the part of the Base where I know that the SEAL is sleeping as I'm walking, I pass other soldiers they salute me and I salute back to them and they hurry away from me, this is part of being A Dragon, Other Soldiers don't want to piss us off, so they stay out of our way. I find our Brother Sea Dragons laying around in the shade from a Canopy of a camo-net, and I see Sarge is half asleep.

"SARGE" I call out as I come closer and I see Sarge look up from where he is laying.

"What do you want Fucker?" I hear one of the older solider say and I see a few of them look worried as their brother speak.

"Sarge wake up" I hear one of them say as they shake him awake once I come in the shade.

"Hey Fucker what's up?" I hear Sarge say and I see him smile at me.

"Remember the biker?" I ask and I see him frown as he nod.

"Bitch's Biker?" He ask and I nod as Sarge sit up and he looking at me.

"What about him?" Sarge ask as he get up to his feet.

"Let's just say it's no Ember anymore" I tell him and he is in my face.

"Flame? Fuck do he have a death wish, asking for her hand without your blessing" Sarge say and I smile.

"He asked for blessing of Dragons, Even from Creator and father of the dragons, before he even asked her, and he asked us after Hell-week." I tell him and I see him look at me.

"Did you gave him it?" Sarge ask us and I see that he have the phone in his hand.

"Yeah, He fucking have balls and Bitch love him, He just popped the question, So Call her tomorrow" I tell him and he nod.

"I will, He better fucking Marry her before we get Home" Sarge growl and I smirk at him.

"I will make sure that He knows it" I tell him and I see him nod.

"Good" Sarge say and I walk back to hut and I know that my sister will have more call coming this week, and I hope that she is fucking fixing her addressed and her contact info I know I will always know what's going on with my sister but Bear need to know too.

I walk back to find Asshole and Pussy sleeping and I walk over to my bed and I lay down, I'm happy that my sister have found her Ember, that is now her Flame, I hope that my sister is going to be happy, she deserve to be happy, I lay back down on the rack and I know that I need to talk to Creator to check in how the Eggs are doing and I take a deep breath as I reach over for the laptop and I log into see how the eggs are doing, I'm looking at the names of the eggs and it's only one that have earned another Name and it's Blood Egg, I start checking to see how this is but I have a guess and once I find the file I find out that I'm right, Viking have got his first Dragon name, Blood Egg, but I'm looking at his score and I frown as I'm looking at his file and his score on follow order is really good, but he is weaker than he should be, in other place, shake my head and I stop reading, I really don't want to know about him, I want to know Snuggle-puff score and I find him quickly and his score is good but he is still weak, for the Field test but strong in the score of a Home nest test, I hear a my laptop ring and I see it's Snuggle-puff, Calling me, he shouldn't have access to the internet yet, but I click on accepting it.

"Fucker I have a question, I asked the dragon if I was allowed to ask someone I trust" Snuggle-puff say and I see him look worried.

"shoot" I tell him and he take a deep breath.

"It's about the paper We are going to sign, They say you know what it say, is there anything hidden in it?" Snuggle-puff ask and I see him look worried.

"Have you Read it?" I ask and he nod at me and I see him looking worried.

"Yes, I read it all, four times, and I know from my time, with you oversea that you twist the words" he say and I know now why he wanted to speak to me or the others.

"No There is nothing hidden in it, but keep in mind by sign that, you are forbidden to speak about anything that happen in the Nest to anyone, if you ring the Bell, you will get a sent to Prison MILITARY prison for breathing a word on that" I growl at him and he nod.

"Thank you Dragon for your wisdom" Snuggle-puff say as he hang up the call, he know that we mean what we say and say what we mean, we don't lie, we may twist words and hide things behind chaos.

So they are stepping up the training, I saw that eight Eggs have been crushed, so they thought they where better and I hope that Snuggle-puff is one to make it, he have to make a lot of point, and I guess that they just have been playing with them, now they are going to fuck them over and I heard that Dragons and Dragonlingers are playing Pranks on them, and I know that that is a spiral that just get crazier and Crazier every time we are fucking with one and other. I close my laptop and I lay down to sleep. I haven't heard from that girl I meet before I was shipped here, so I send Cunt a E-mail so he would find out what the fuck was going on, Guess she just was looking for some fun, I don't think Viking had any luck with is girl. I fall asleep hoping that tomorrow will bring Chaos, or we are going to create Chaos, I miss the true chaos from training. I fall into a dreamless sleep.

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