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I'm looking at Cunt leading me into the hospital, my shoulder has been hurt, I feel my body stiff up and I see Viking go the same stiff and I Asswipe is carry me inside and Numbnutts are carrying my brother and I hope that it's something easy fix, and I see Cunt talk to the nurses and I hope It's nothing bad and I see the Nurse lead me to a room and Asswipe is carrying me, The nurse is start took me over and The doctor come in and they send me for X-ray and then a ultrasound to check my muscles and I'm looking at the doctor.

"Well?" Cunt say and I see my brother is being held by Numbnutts and I smile at this and Seeing Viking panic over hospital it make me relax more.

"It look's like her shoulder has a small ripe in her muscles, or it's basically infection, her muscle is enlarged, So we are going to put her on some medication and she will need to get some physical training" he say and I look at Cunt and he know what I want to do.

"What about Military training?" Cunt ask and I see The Doctor look at me.

"Not until you are cleared, I want you to come in Three times this week and then once a week, Because Of what They told me, IF you had come in when you felt the first pain, It wouldn't have come to this" the Doc say and I growling at this.

"We will make sure she come" Numbnutts say as we are getting ready to leave and I see him lead Viking out of the hospital and I see my brother shaking.

"What the fuck" I hear Runt say as he is looking at Viking who is almost hyperventilating.

'He hate hospitals as much as me' I say and I see them turn to Viking.

"Do Your brothers know?" Asswipe say and I know his piss off.

"Everyone know" Viking say and I see him looking Asswipe and I grab his arm and I shake my head.

"They" Asswipe start and I glare at him.

'No, not yet he is a brother too them, he is not a honorable dragon or Dragonlinger yet, wait until we know his status' I tell Asswipe and they nod to me.

"Let's get back to The Clubhouse" Runt say and we are walking over to the car.

"Tiny we are going to dragon nest right now, I have called them up to fix Delta and Phoenix, I need to go over it to make sure that it's up to code, It should have warmed me earlier with your shoulder" Cunt growl and I tap him on his shoulder.

'I have knocked that shoulder so many times, that the sensors may be damaged, or knocked out of sync' I tell him, and he nod, he know that it true too, and I take a deep breath as I take up my phone and I send a text to Bear

To: Bear/Ember

From: TCB

Sorry That we are not coming home with the others, some military shit is going on, Cunt is not happy with a trace-chip response time so We are going to Training nest to make realign them, Don't worry it will only take a hour or two, Send a text when we are heading back.

I hope that Bear will understand, I can't speak about this to anyone that isn't a Dragon and I'm looking at Cunt who are driving.

"Don't worry Bitch We are just going to get check them over" Cunt say and I nod to him.

"oot hctab wen eht rof siht gniod ew are?" I ask Cunt and I hear him sigh as I know he have to think about what I said.

"I don't know Bitch You know that we had to fight for you top dragon, you four have the best of them all, the others only have the simple tracker on them, so We can always track them also if they die their tracker will tell us that they are dead" Cunt say and I remember it.

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