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I'm looking at my Butterfly laying in the bed and she is sleeping, The Girls are sleeping too and I smile as I'm running my hand thru her hair, she is laying on my chest sleeping, I know that I need to speak to the dragons because I want her to be my wife as soon as I can but I know that she won't accept it until her brothers is home but I want to marry her as soon as they come home. So I need to start planning and hope that Dad will help me and I know that I need to talk to the dragon. I grab my phone that's laying on the bed side table and I send a text to dad, and I gently slide a pillow under my darlings head.

"Mmm" I hear My little hummingbird say and I leaning down and kiss her head.

"Sleep, I will be back soon" I whisper to her and she snuggle into the pillow I leave the bed and I see that Skyla is in her Crate.

"Guard our girl Skyla" I say as I give her a gentle head rub before I close the door and I walk downstairs and I know where I will find the Dragons if they are not in the Girls room they are in the game room or movie room, Depending on what you enjoy most.

I'm walking down the hallway checking in the Girls room and no one is in there That means that The Dragon's are in the media room. I'm walking down to the stairs and I'm finding my way to the media room that I know Asshole and Pussy loved to be part of, I'm open the door to see the Guy's watching the most Romantic movie I ever have seen a man watching, I know that these men are killers and they are harden warriors but here they are watching a romantic movie. I gently knock on the door and I see each of the Dragos snap their head to the door and I see one of them turn the Tv off.

"Something Wrong?" I hear Peach say and I smile at them.

"no not really, but I need to speak to the Dragons" I say and I see them looking at me.

"What about?" I hear Asswipe ask and I smile at them because I have their attention.

"You all know that I asked Her to marry me" I say and I see a angry look on two or three faces.

"And I know that She will fucking kill me if I push for the wedding before the Top Dragon's have returned" I say and I see them nod.

"But that can't stop me from start planning, I know that a wedding is the something that Women should deal with, but I don't want to place to much on my love, not with the children that she need her attention and I know how much that The Marine's and the Dragon's means to her, and I wouldn't dare try to plan a wedding without any tradition, or special things that Makes dragons squad or unit or what you call yourself, but I have asked my dad to help start writing up what his wedding had contain" I tell them and I see them looking at me.

"You have at least Three years to plan for that" I hear Numbnutts say and I glare at him.

"The Dragons body count is 36 people, not counting support personal and Creator and Father of the Dragons. I have the club that will be invited too, but Dragon are active in the Marine's Mening that I need to work around whatever You guy's are going to be up to, and I know that I need to be careful to plan something that Would need every Dragon to be able to be there" I say and I see them looking at me.

"Will you allow extended family?" I hear Runt ask and I smile.

"Yes Your family and Snuggle-puff family and any other family that any dragons have" I tell them and I see Them look at me.

"Well Runt and Snuggle-puff are the only one that have family that will still associate with us" Loud mouth say and I see them all look piss off.

"Well their lost, And My sister is not coming, she cut me and dad off just left" I say and I see them turn to me.

"You telling me that Cunt of a Tanya, just kicked you out of her life?" I hear one of them ask and they are growling.

"Yeah, She send Dad a letter while My darling was pregnant, dad didn't tell me until I started trying to contact her telling her that she had become a Aunt" I say and I see Numbnutts and Asswipe just nod and I know that they just agree on something and for some reason I don't want to know what they just agreed on.

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