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I thought I knew the what betray felt like, when Asshole's Ember cheated on him in our home, but when Psycho showed up and told me to stay in my place, not to move as he started to lock away shit, I knew I was about to kill someone but he wouldn't give me a name, I felt my blood boil, and when Bear came home and told me that Sarah had done something, but he begged me to leave it to my brothers, because the Girls need me, and that Cunt already was working on it. I knew that Cunt would do what I wanted, and once he said Amitola had talked to Cunt and demanded that We were to carry our oldest promise, I also heard from Psycho that he promise to deal with this himself, I know that Cunt will do us proud. I smile as I wave to my brothers over the Cam, as MY brothers are talking to my daughters and I see Lauren holding Tammi and she is smiling too and I see my brother give me a look.

"Sam" I call and I see her look at me and I nod to my daughter and she nod.

"Thank you Sis" I hear Fucker call out as I'm leaving the room and I see Lauren frown at me as I carry my daughters out and I see Camille take Freyja from me and Amitola take Tammi.

"Can I take Aurora?" I hear Cheyenne and I smile as I hand her over.

"My mother want to sing to them if that's okay?" Cheyenne say and I nod as I remember all the song's that Runt just to hum on, I always love them and I need to speak to Sam alone.

Will you tell me what she did?' I write on a notepad and I push it over to her.

"She caused my miscarriage, all of them" Sam say and I take her hand as she look at me with sad eyes.

'You don't have to worry about her anymore, What did Petty officer James say' I write and I see her smile as she read my words.

"You know you don't have to call her that" Sam say and I glare at her.

"Sam, You won't get Mama to drop the Military rank" Runt say as he walk pass us and I see her looking at me.

"Well back to what Lauren said, she thinks I'm pregnant, but I really want to know why Sarah did it" Sam say and I'm smiling at her.

'C will get the answers if you want to or do you want to ask her yourself?' I write and I see her read it.

"I don't know if I can face her" Sam say and I see her looking worried at me as if she fear that I will see her weak or as a coward, but She miss the think about Dragon is that We acknowledge our weakness and we lean on the Family and count on them to carry us.

'C, and Psycho will get the answer for you, just write the question you want answer, you are not weak, Sam, You are acknowledge your own weakness, and admit your weakness and asking for help, meaning you trust us to help you to complete what need to be done' I write on the note and I make sure that Sam can read what I Wrote and I see her read it and she smile.

"I will get it down, I never thank you for the help you have done" she say and I smile at her as I see Camille come in and she look at me.

"Miss Roman, Mama is saying that the girls are getting fussy and that's means that they are hungry, You want to feed them here or in their rooms" Camille ask and I point to the Living-room where I have one of my rocking-chair that one of my brother made for me.

"I will get tell Mama" she say and I turn to Sam that smile.

"You stay?" I ask and she nod as We are moving to the Living-room and I take my seat in the rocking-chair and I see Cheyenne come in with two of the my children and Camille come in with the last one.

"Can I play with Skyla?" Camille ask and I nod as I give Skyla the command that she can play.

Sam is sitting next me as I'm feeding the Girls and Sam help me getting the girls to sleep.

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