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I'm looking at Viking's hand he have bruised knuckles and he looking piss off, and I see Knuckles laying over the table with a hell of a hangover. I know that That Fucking Cunt made both off us drunk, and he had made a few calls and the Girls had came and it pissed me off, I was ready to fight him, I had build up some tolerance for Alcohol by drinking with my Butterfly, so I picked a fight with him instead of going for the girls, once the first girl touched me, it felt wrong, the necklace my darling wear make a sound I would recognize even drunk, and the way she smell, is unique too, but most my little birds hair has a feeling that no girl that I ever encounter before and it's long most of the girls around here have shoulder short hair, but my girl have hair far down her back, I see Tools come in the meeting room and he look worried and I see him pull something out and he place it in-front of Viking.

"Where is the rest of the notepad?" Viking ask Tools and he just light up his lighter.

"Good, I'm going to burn this too. So Cunt is here to fuck with us?" Viking ask and I see that Psycho is smoking and I can tell his worried.

"I don't think that, I got a text, Every Dragon, Dragonling, and Black soul is invited to got out on a party, it's Sugar tits and Duck-duck go way party, We are not paying for anything, and we are getting driver" Psycho say and I see Tools looking at him and I know something is going on.

"Psycho can you speak as Tiny?" Tools ask and I frown at this and I see Psycho looking at Tools.

"No not real, I can speak a few word but not a speech like TCB would do, why do you ask?" Psycho say and I see Tools looking at his hands.

"Can you show us how she would speak when she is piss off? Or ready to get to a fight" Tools ask Psycho as he nod.

I see Psycho crush his Smoke and the first thing I see is his black eyes and I see the mouth become a line, his hold face become hard, and I see Psycho have this arrogant air around him, not the normally way he have but a more mean face.

"What the fuck?" I hear Ink say and I see Knuckles looking at him and he is worried.

"I saw those eyes in the basement" Knuckles say and I see Psycho light another smoke.

"That is the face you would see when she is ready for fight, I was basically asking if you really wanted to fight, then lets dance" Psycho say and I'm looking at him.

"How would she look when she is piss off" I ask and I see Psycho is looking at me and he shake his head.

"Bear there is no way off showing you when Bitch is piss off. The only sure way to know that she is getting angry is her eyes, when they start take a black color but other than that, It's depend on what piss her off" Psycho tells me and I'm looking at him.

"Okay, Shall we trust them?" I ask and I see Psycho nod.

"We can trust them, Dragons have honor, TCB gave me her words" Psycho say and I nod as he speak and I know that my bird have her honor.

"okay so we are going with them, but we are making sure that we never go alone with Cunt" I tell him and I see Viking looking at me.

"I'm really pleased that I broke his cheek" Viking say as he look at his knuckles.

"You really broke it?" Wolf say him and I see Viking nod.

"I weakened it first when he asked me to hit him, and then when he started calling you shit, I got piss off, I think that I made sure I hurt him and Tiny sort of looked smugly at him" Viking tells us and I see Psycho smiling at us.

"oh she was please that you got the upper hand on Cunt, Tiny is one off the few that can actually beat the shit off Cunt" Psycho say and I see him looking at Viking.

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