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I'm looking at my buddy that is leaving and I hear Psycho telling us what is going on and I grab my jacket and the other are grabbing jackets and boots and once Tiny is back with Skyla and her truck and I can see that she is dressed for a day in forest and I see Psycho have military boots and I see that he is dressed in darker cloths and Tiny is driving her truck to where every we are going and I heard Psycho telling my son that we where going on a missing person, and that Military personal her in and Psycho just told them we would help and I was agree with that I know a few of them don't but they follow us and Once we get to the forest were the Military truck is standing and I see the Cop Cars and a few more cars and when we park our bikes I see the family standing together and this make my heart freeze, a Child is missing and I see Psycho speaking for Tiny as she is sign to Psycho or moving her face, I see Tiny take out a drone and I get ready to leave when she press the radio in my hand and I see her looking me in the eyes and I know that she telling me to stay behind and I see her get the Drone and one of the military man take it.

"Where the fuck did she get this stuff?" I hear the second military man say as he see the screen from the Drone.

"That is Mama Dragon or Mother of all Dragons" the Recruiter and I'm looking at the map.

"Wait that IS TCB?" I hear the man say and I frown.

"IS that a cave?" I ask and point and the one operating the drone look quickly at the map.

"Yep, Don't worry this map load up to a Wrist map, that I saw TB Take with her" the Recruiter say and that's when I hear Psychos voice telling MY son to check the cave.

"NO our Daughter would" I hear the mother almost scream in hysteria and I hear her crying and I walk over to them and I know the feeling of losing someone because I have had that feeling during my time in the Marine, and my deployment time.

"Ma'am, I need you to take a deep breath" I tell her as I come up to her and I see her husband is looking at me.

"Our" HE say and I place a hand on the Women, tears are running down her cheek and she having a panic attack and I see that the husband is not that far behind her on this but he is seem to having better grip on his feeling.

"Deep breath, you other Daughter need you, You have help to find your other Daughter" I tell her and she look up at me and she look so tired.

"We knew that Honey had been sleepwalking, but we thought it stop when we moved, and this was her birthday present" The Father say and I nod as they speak and I can understand that feeling that they have.

"You have nothing to worry about, you have one of the best tracker in the Marine Corps, TB Can find any one, We had lost a soldier in Alaska, in the middle of night and it was waist deep with snow, We couldn't find him, called in the Dragon, With in half hour they had found him, trust me, That Girl is a good tracker she will find your Child" the Recruiter say and I see the look in his eyes and I know his lied to the parents but I see the relax on their face and I'm listen to the radio.

I see The family standing close together and I see that the little girl is sleeping on his shoulder and I see him holding his Wife close and I see her crying and I can tell she is worried, I'm turning to see the Recruiter and I gently grip the Recruiters arm and walking with me to the Drone screen and I'm glaring at him and I see him looking at the parents that are crying and I see him look at me.

"it wasn't a half-hour, it was three hours, but they need to hear something good" he whisper and I nod as I feel my own heart break at this and that's when I hear the all of the Radio go off, at the same time, with the same voice.

"GO FOR AIR EVAC" I hear Psycho's voice and I feel my heart stop and I don't even can't answer and no one else answer we are looking at one and other and the parents pale at the word.

Voice-less, Not UselessWhere stories live. Discover now