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I'm bloody and I dirty I feel the blood dunning down my face and I can tell that Asshole and Pussy both feeling like me, they are as bloody as me, We where send on a fucking up mission and it when a little sideway, We didn't have a enough intel. But because of our training we manage to get the mission done, but hell it took longer than it should and Our fucking backup was no where to be seen after the first attack so we had to get another truck to drive back once we are done, We are just walking back to report to Gunny who is our go between and we tell him about the mission and we head to the hut, we have our own shower and shit there We strip of our Cloths and I see that big fucking bruise on Pussy's back.

"Pussy you back" I tell him and he groan and I gently place a hand on his back.

"Yeah I landed on a stone" he say and I feel over his back and I can tell that he is only bruised.

"You will be sore" I tell him and he nod.

"Yeah, let's Doc check it over" he say and I see Asshole checking me over.

"You are still bleeding" Asshole say as he check my head.

"Yeah I know Doc will check us over" I tell him and I shower the blood and dirt off me and then I walk out and I garb cloths and I hear the Laptop Ring but I need to allow the Doc to check me over before I take the call on the laptop.

"Guys come on lets get the Doc check us over" I call out and We get dressed and we walk straight to Medic center and We are walking straight into one of the Doc they know better than to tell us to wait and I see that Doc check us over.

"Well you guys are okay, well you need a few days relax, but You are okay" Doc say after he have check us over.

"Thank you Doc" We say as we are leaving and Asshole is getting some food for us and once we are back at our hut I remember that my laptop was pining while I was in Shower.

We have habit of keeping our laptop always on, so that We can see if someone tried to call us, Us dragons are very close and we always keep in touch and with Tiny back home made us, making us more worried, so I sit down on my bed and I grab my laptop and I open it and I see that I have missed Video call from my sister and there is a lot of them, the latest is from Cody, I know I have to call Cody first because he is highest ranking of them.

"Guys have you got call from Tiny?" I ask Pussy who are checking his laptop.

"No, why?" Pussy ask as I get ready to call Cody.

"Because I have over 200 calls from my sister, during the week we have been gone" I tell him and I press call and I hope that My sister is okay.

"I'm calling Cody" I tell him and I see Asshole come with the food and I take it from him.

"Fucker" I hear Cody's voice.

"Creator, You called" I tell him and I see him sigh as he look at me.

"Have you talked to your sister?" he ask and I shake my head.

"Call your sister, she is on her way home just remember that she have tried to get a hold of you" Cody say as he hang up and I frown.

"what the Fuck" I say as I'm looking at them.

"If she left about now, then she should be home with in a Half hour" Pussy say and I nod as I'm watching him and I nod.

I don't say anything I just eat the MRE that Asshole came with, We eat and once we have eaten, We all just lay back in our Racks and we fall asleep, we just so fucking tired from the mission and I still wondering what my sister wanted but I'm falling asleep, I know that My sister will answer my call the second, I make it no matter what time it's and I know that we will answer the call if we hear it, I wake up with a frown why did I walk up and that's when I blast from the air horn and I see Pussy rub his eyes and I see Asshole press the button that allow him to come close.

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