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I'm waking up to see Bear laying next to me I feel better but I'm still tried, and I feel my baby's moving and I see the time and I gently stroking Bear's face and he open his eyes and he smile at me as he sit up.

"Did they wake you up?" he ask and I shake my head and I point at the clock.

"Yeah, I know, you want Fucker here while we get dressed?" he ask and I nod.

Bear walk out of the room, I smile softly as I know that he is going to get my Brother and I gently rubbing my belly, as I feel my children move against my hand, I see my brother come in the room and he smile at me.

"Runt is back" he say and I smile at him.

"Sad?" I ask and he shake his head as he pull the cloths out.

"Happy, He said that he is really happy that they found him, and He said that Camille loved the Blanket, that Buster made for her" Fucker say as he kneel down to help me put my socks on.

Bear is coming with the cloths and they belong to Duck-Duck because I don't fit into my own cloths and more and Fucker and Bear help me into my cloths and once I'm dressed, Fucker start brushing my hair and then braid it and I see Bear get dressed and Fucker is gently getting me up and I know that I need to get downstairs because I need to eat something.

"Runt is downstairs fixing breakfast, Mutt is with him" Fucker say as I start walking out of my room and Bear come up behind me and he hug me.

"Feeling okay?" Bear whisper in my ear and I nod.

"Yes, just tired" I tell him and he rubbing my belly as we are walking.

We are walking slowly down the stairs, I don't like the stairs and it's getting harder to walk down the stairs, as soon as we are downstairs I know that I need to move my room down stairs because those stairs are not good for me.

"Mama?" I hear Shelby say and I look at her where I see her standing at the table that she have just seat with the breakfast.

"sriats esoht gniklaw peek t'nac I, moordeb ym evom ot deen eW" I say and I see my Brother look at me.

"We will fix it while you are at the doctor" Mutt say and I nod as Bear is helping me sit down.

"The stairs is getting harder?" Bear ask and I nod to him and he nod.

"We move down here until they are born" Bear say and I nod as I point to Mutt and he nod to me as he take a seat next to me.

"We will move it around, Don't worry about it" the Sea Dragon say as I start to eat and Bear and the others take their seat and they are eating with me, and I smile at this. I eat slowly and I know that my cravings have been crazy, sometimes, but Bear and the rest of the Club have been great when it come to my Craving, and they would bring anything that I would crave, when I crave it.

"Are you taking the bike?" Fucker ask Bear and he shake his head.

"Yes" I say and he look at me, I can tell that Bear is not happy with me when I say yes.

"Bike your riding missing are you Please" I tell him and I see Bear nod as he hear me speak.

"You know that you can't Drive Love" Bear say to me and I'm nodding as he speak and I point to Fucker.

"You know that Pussy and Asshole want to be there too" Fucker say and I do the sign for Napping and he know what I mean.

"Darling You don't have time for a nap" Bear say and Fucker start to laugh.

"You are right it was napping that sign meant but she was talking about the Dragon napping, pain training, don't worry about that Mama, It will be recorded, You know that This is important to us" Fucker say and I nod to him.

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